Chapter | THIRTY

46 5 11


'Because at the end of the day you're the person I want to come home to, the one I want to tell how my day went, and the only person I want to share my happiness, sadness, frustration, and success with.'

"Mr. Park?"

"Miss Kang, it's nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well." he greeted even tilting his head down politely.

"Oh, I have been well. How about you? Can I help you with anything?" I asked as it seems he has been waiting for me to finish my shift according to Byeol.

"I want to invite you for coffee. Don't worry it's just me, he is preparing for our flight back to New York later this evening." he responded donning an apprehensive cast.

I nod in response before we head outward the hotel together.

Green Leaf is one of the few cafes near the hotel, it was half-past five in the afternoon so the place was not that packed. I sent Kyungsoo a message that I might be running a bit late since I will head to the restaurant to meet him for dinner after this.

"Can you meet him one last time?" Mr. Park hesitantly asked.

"I know I am not in the position to take you for this much but you know that he is like my own little brother. He musters up the courage to go back here for you because that man loves you so much, Sera-shi." he continued, exhaling deeply while expecting my response.

I sighed profoundly ignoring that urge to block his statement, it has been days of these random moments and people who always talk about Byun Baekhyun. I can't go on hearing stories from people pointing out how our relationship went from something beautiful to chaos - I fucking know and I am so over it.

"Mr. Park, I -"

"He loved you unconditionally, his father was determined to ruin you and that's something that Baekhyun doesn't want to happen. He loves him but you are his life but he has to make a choice back then." he stated with much persuasion.

"I know, I think I have heard that story one too many times Mr. Park and I don't know what you want me to do. Baekhyun seems to be fine and living a good life, he said he wants me back but I already told him that -"

"Please say that to him again, clearly, detailed and direct to the point. Baekhyun has been holding onto you and all of your memories for so long and I - being someone who thinks of him as a family believes that he should hear you loud and clear, tell him to stop Sera-shi." Mr. Park mentioned with a firm voice.

"What do you mean, Mr. Park?"

"Baekhyun came back here because he believes that you are still waiting for him, that your relationship can still be saved, and not until he hears it from you - Baekhyun will not let you go so if you still have an ounce of concern for him, I am begging you to meet him one last time. Please, make him understand and help him to move on from you." he confessed and beseeched in a genuine voice.

While in the cab on my way to The Cheese House, thoughts of the conversation I have with Mr. Park earlier start flooding my head. 

I know that it's important to have closure when a relationship ends, that sense of clarity to understand how it started and why the hell it ended. I was able to move on thinking that he did the same, but hearing how he has been for the last two years breaks my heart a tad bit - I somehow desire for Baekhyun to be in the same situation as I am now.

I arrived at the restaurant then went straight to Kyungsoo's office. It was not that crowded so he asked me to drop by before we head back home to Hannam since he just came back from Jeju earlier today.

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