Chapter | EIGHTEEN

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'When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.'

I woke up the next morning feeling all sore from my back up to my arms and down there - well I think we did it quite too much. Recalling what happened last night, Baekhyun literally went outside the bedroom and told the organizers that the party was over then came back only to make love to me.

I stepped outside the bedroom and the place was all clean, I guess Ji A's team did well last night I just hoped she won't fire me because of sleeping with the host, speaking of the devil - he was still on his jammies busily moving around his massive kitchen, where does he get all this energy when we were both hammered to even move a muscle after making love until four in the morning.

"Good morning." I muttered.

Baekhyun swivels on his feet and greets me with the brightest smile, that quickly changes into a familiar expression. Damn this man, does he actually thinks of me as his girlfriend or his snack though I don't really mind otherwise.

"Good morning to the most beautiful woman in my world." he dashed towards me then haul my body for a tight hug.

Baekhyun smells so good, I think he just went out from the bath and I think he was in the mood to do it again considering that bulge inside his pajamas. His hand slides down to my bum which he was now caressing with ease.

"Hands, Mr. Byun!" I rustled to his ear.

"What? My hands are where they should be, baby." he returned in the same manner.

"Babe, we just did it like six times last night until morning. You might want to feed me first then let me take a bath then we'll see what happens after that." I remarked stifling a chortle or he might think I was joking.

"Was that six? No! More like five times baby." he reasoned out leaning away to face me looking all confused.

"Crazy, we did one more around three in the morning when you hugged me from behind while I was sleeping. You literally woke me up just to do it. Like, come on Byun Baekhyun - I didn't know that behind those soft smiles lies a wild man." I retaliated giving him an eye-roll.

"I love you." he chortles.

"I love you too, wild man!"

Baekhyun sticks his tongue adorably then laughs before giving me quick and tiny kisses on my chops, my neck then my lips. He then moves behind me and hugs me tightly with his chin resting on my shoulder occasionally kissing my pulse point, this man really.

"Why are you even wearing my shirt like that, I can't control myself when you are that sexy babe!" he returned then points in the kitchen so I walk towards that direction with him still hanging behind me. 

"I did cook some breakfast, I am not that good of a cook but I am not that bad either. Let's have breakfast then we'll take a bath then make love then sleep then make love again -"

"Byun Baekhyun." I sang intervening him from his love itinerary.

He walks towards the table and pulls a chair just across his, then chuckle cause he knows how silly his idea was though I was kinda tempted to agree - I still have few things to do today.

"I have to go to work around nine then I still have to attend another function later tonight for Times Motors. You are dating a working adult, so I would have to do all that then we'll make love after." I returned then took the seat, appreciating the big breakfast he prepared for just the two of us.

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