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It has been three years since I last visited Seoul, it was the same crisp cold during winter - I am just glad that it's already Spring, still chilly but more endurable.

After the car show in Myeong-dong, I went to Hangang Park to spend my favorite time of the day when the sky reveals different hues of light and radiance after the sun has set - a representation of that one person that I constantly miss and would probably miss forever.

I rose from my seat before doing a full-body stretch, my orbs still fixed on the sky flexing astonishing shades of blush, blue, and orange. I decided to march back to my car before it gets darker since I would still have to drive back home and attend a dinner meeting with a client.

Just a few steps near the parking lot, I swiftly halted after seeing the very reason why I was here. 

She was wearing a blushed-toned sweater paired with denim jeans, she still looks good in jeans. Her hair was shorter just brushing on top of her shoulders and was now in a lighter shade of chocolate brown, her hazelnut eyes seem a bit worn but undeniably happy then my sight trails down to her perfectly mounted nose and her thin rosy lips, those lips.

"Kang Sera"

I absentmindedly smiled while staring at her from afar, this was the first time that I saw her after three years and I think it was worth the wait. Muttering her name still brings that unexplainable sentiment that would often hunt me when thoughts of her brushed up my memory.

Was it crazy that I am still in love with the fact that we can never be together? Like the sun and the moon, we compromise each other but would never have the chance to be together, we had our timing but it would never allow us to meet again.

"Byun Baekhyun?" she muttered, staring at me.

Kang Sera smiled then start trailing towards me while my heart was beating peculiarly just by this sight. She still has that pull that even my name sounds distinctive on her lips, I laughed. This is better than those dreams that I would usually have when my heart is aching for her.

"How are you, Sera?"

"Living well, you?"

I didn't respond right away, I suddenly felt happy and contented hearing her say that she has been living well. Honestly, I was too - like what she said the last time we met, I didn't have a hard time moving forward with my life.

"I am good, just visiting here for business."

"Uhm, it's nice to see you again." she muttered along with a kind smile lingering on her lips.

Even before I responded back, she scoots down on the ground then flashed the sweetest smile that I have ever seen on her lips with both her arms extended forward as if she was warmly welcoming someone.

I giggled lightly after seeing that person who owns Sera's perfect smile and warm arms, her eyes were undeniably similar to her father's while her little smile was certainly from Sera.

She was gazing at her little one as if she was the only one that mattered, Sera looked at me then flashed a bright smile - she's absolutely happy. Motherhood surely made her shine brighter than before and I am fortunate enough to see her with this glow.

"She's pretty like you."

"Uhm, she looks like me but definitely has his temper."

"Aigoo, she's a lucky girl not getting her Mom's temper then."

Sera rolled her eyes then chuckled softly, I think being here was not a bad idea at all. I took a deep breath then grin from ear to ear, it's crazy how she can still make me smile like a foolish and happy dog.

"It's past her naptime now, we should go."

"Yeah, keep safe Sera. It was really nice seeing you again."

She nods then smiles before swiveling on her feet, I watched as her vivid image fades in the almost dark sky. Same as my favorite time of the day, she appeared quickly showing all her beautiful hues allowing me to admire it in a very short span of time before disappearing into dusk.

No matter how many times I told myself that I should forget her, a part of me just won't let go. 

She was my red, the fiery physical passion in the middle of winter.

She was my yellow, that positive ball of warm sunshine making me laugh like a fool.

She was my blue, that profound source of sadness and yearning.

I looked up as the same sky was still unfolding different shades and hues inciting all kinds of sentiments as I was admiring it, she will always and will be the only sky for me.

Kang Sera is my afterglow.


I was literally listening to these songs from my playlist on Spotify while writing the story. Uh, basically a mixed playlist of Korean and English bomb songs. hohoho enjoy listening bishes ♥


**added on the story description in case you can't access it through this page, love yall!

HIS AFTERGLOWWhere stories live. Discover now