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'When love is real, it finds a way so don't go out and look for it - it will find you when you are ready.'

"Look at that bitch, he was just ugly crying a week ago. We even thought he was about to die, we are clowns." Narae commented while watching Jung Zion and Lucas groping each other near the bar.

It was indeed ridiculous just how fast the situation changed, Lucas just begged him and all it took was ten seconds for Zion to realized that he wanted to get back with his other half.

"Leave them be and stop peeking at them! Zion knows his shit better than anyone else in this bar so cheers to that one bitch!" I jeered before hoisting up my glass for a toast.

Both Narae and I chuckled loudly the swallowed down our drinks. We agreed to have a girl's night out at least every week just so we can decompress and do a little catch-up.

"Oh, perfect!" Narae mumbled then points out near the bar's entrance where her husband was standing, his eyes roaming around the area probably looking for us.

Narae hastily waved her hands to get his attention which Mr. Lee quickly saw and acknowledged. I was surprised as soon as Do Kyungsoo appeared behind his cousin. He was wearing his usual black outfit with less the cap and specs. 

"Wow, he said he's not coming tonight." I murmured quite startled to see him when he clearly said earlier that he was busy with opening-up a branch in Apgujeong.

We do exchange text messages every once in a while, a few phone calls here and there but this would be the first time that we are hanging out after we bumped into each other at Seoul Hotel.

They stroll towards our table on the VIP lounge, obviously, a face like his is drawing too much attention as every woman who gazed at him was literally simpering over his clean and cold appearance. How can he even pull off a plain ensemble like that and end up looking like an expensive man, well he is.

"Kang Sera! Long time no see!" Mr. Lee yelled as soon as they approached our spot. I just waved my hand and smiled in response since I am still swallowing a shot. 

Mr. Lee seems excited as always, it's as if we didn't saw each other yesterday in the supermarket while I was grocery shopping. Narae quickly pulls her husband on her side which left that empty space beside me which Kyungsoo took without any delay.

"Hi." he greeted along with a bright smile.

I watched how the crazy couple in front of us squealed as if they are too excited to see us sitting beside each other. An automatic eye-roll then I mouthed 'stop', both Narae and Mr. Lee rushed to gulp down their drinks.

"This seems entertaining!" he leans near my side then muttered in my ear.

"Says the guy who declared 'oh, I am busy but have fun!', you gotta be kidding me Do Kyungsoo." I teased him, slightly declining on his side just so he can hear me.

The music was intense as hell, party animals are literally pumping up the dancefloor but my attention was fixed on Kyungsoo as I can even hear the sound of his laughter before he tilts on my side probably to murmur his response.

"Well, I was really busy but I realized that I might not have the chance to hang out with you if I didn't come tonight." he admitted then propose a toast, I knocked my glass against his bottle then both gulp down our drinks.

"Oh, shit!" Zion exclaimed with both his hands covering his mouth looking all surprised.

"Love, tell me that I am not fucking hallucinating right now." he turns to his partner who was looking all dumbfounded with what's happening, Zion even gestures his hand forming a heart shape in the air enclosing me and Kyungsoo in the middle.

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