Chapter 9

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Jimin was busy doing his assignment he was supposed to submit by the evening.
Taehyung was eating lunch alone at university canteen. His plate was almost empty leaving only one side dish on it. Taehyung couldn't eat it because it was so damn salty.

Taehyung was humming while walking in the path between tables with plate in his hand.

Suddenly something hit his back and the plate in hand got imbalanced along with his body. He tried so hard to stop it from falling but it fell on the ground and some of the side dish landed on shoes of a really tall and muscular boy.

The boy stood up in anger "You know how expensive these are? These were special edition. You totally ruined them"The boy grabbed Taehyung's collar and pulled him closer.

"It's not my fault , She bumped into me out of nowhere"Taehyung pointed out to the girl who was already running away from them.

"I don't give a damn about her. You ruined my shoes so you're gonna fix them"People started staring at the boys because they were so loud.

"I'm sorry, give them to me I'll clean them"people were slowly gathering around them to see the drama going on.

"Cleaning won't help , they're ruined and you have to pay for it"The boy flipped his hair back. He surely looked so pissed. Taehyung was pretty sure he could clean them but he didn't wanted to argue.

"Okay, what's the price I'll pay"Taehyung's hands reached over the cloth of his pocket to check if he was carrying a wallet. Thankfully it was there.

"Your poor ass can never pay me back, how about I ruin your face in return"Taehyung was quite strong himself but this boy was much more muscular, taller and was known to get into fights.

A strong punch landed on Taehyung's jaw making him fall on the cold floor.
People started gathering around them.

Taehyung was quick enough to block the second punch and land a less powerful  punch on his face.
Taehyung was still on the ground and punch on the other boy's face made him back off a little.

He was about to kick Taehyung when he fell down with a loud thud.
He felt a sudden pain in his belly and found another kick landing on his stomach from Jungkook.
Jungkook punched the boy making him spit some blood.

"How dare you? How dare you hit Taehyung?  How dare you hurt him?"Jungkook was repeating these sentences while beating the boy and getting some hits in between.
One eye of the boy got blue and Jungkook had few scratches on his face.

"That's enough"Taehyung said when he processed what was happening.
"I can fight for me, I don't need you. Don't get in trouble for me"Taehyung walked away and Jungkook followed him leaving the beaten boy laying on the ground.

"Don't follow me Jungkook that was completely unnecessary. Why you got into that fight?"Taehyung started walking even faster hoping that the said boy won't follow him.

"I can't let anyone hurt you, not when I'm there"Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand and squeezed it.

"You can't let anyone hurt me? Why? Some punches and kicks can't hurt me the way you hurted me Jungkook. Don't cause problems and focus on your studies instead"Jungkook tightened his grip around Taehyung's hand as if he will never let those hands go. As if he was saying something through his hands.

"I'm sorry Tae. I'm sorry for hurting you. I was a fool. Can't you give me a second chance. I promise I won't hurt you. I promise I will take care of you"Taehyung threw away Jungkook's hands.

"I can't trust you Jungkook. I really can't"Taehyung ran away and locked himself in a toilet.He didn't wanted to come out. He didn't wanted anyone to see him weak again. He didn't wanted anyone to see his tears.

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