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          "Virginia, Amarilla, I should warn the both of you

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

          "Virginia, Amarilla, I should warn the both of you. We keep a rigorous pace in AP English. The AP students take this very seriously. So, if my class proves to be too much for either of you, I suggest you do yourself a favor and move down to regular English, okay? I'd hate to see the two of you bite off more than you could chew. Um, sixteen books total."

"I passed my English class back home with a ninety-eight, so I think I'll be fine. Oh, by the way, it's Ginny and Amar." He gestured for us to make our way to our seats where we sat next to each other.

"Welcome back, AP English. Hiding in the back there, you will find our new students, Virginia and Amarilla Miller." There he goes, butchering my name and pronouncing the L's. "They're twins! I trust you will make them feel welcome."

"It's Ginny and Amar." Ginny spoke up.

"Now, I know it's our first day back from summer vacation, but I thought it was an excellent opportunity for a pop quiz. Those of you who didn't do the summer reading of The Crucible are in for a world of pain. Uh, don't worry, Virginia and Amarilla, I don't expect you to have read it."

Ginny raised her hand. "There are sixteen books on this syllabus."

"Yes, like I said, you can always drop down-"

"Let her finish." I breathed out.

"Fourteen of them are written by men, fifteen were written by white people, and I'm willing to bank a guess that the one black author will crop up in the syllabus just in time for black history month. Am I right?" I sat back, holding back a laugh. "My sister and I are very serious about our education, Mr. Gitten. I'm worried I might internalize an ideology that the main viewpoint, the viewpoint worth studying in class, the viewpoint of the greats, is only that of the white male, thus eradicating our voices as immaterial. And finally, I'm worried I won't be stimulated intellectually. Also, we have read The Crucible, together. And I'm confident that we can both take it and, without a doubt, pass with flying colors." I stuck my hand out and Ginny high fived me without looking.

"Are you quite through, Virginia?"

"No." I spoke, standing up. "It's Ginny, and Amar. Amarilla? Do you think I'm some sort of rodent?"

"That's enough." He motioned for me to sit down. "I don't know how things were done at your last school, Ginny and Amar, but here, we don't tolerate political outbursts and grandstanding at the expense of your peers' class time."

"Weird. You know, some schools don't stand for racist old white dudes to discriminate against their students because of the color of their skin." I shrugged.

"Office. Now."

"If it'll make you feel better, Mr. teacher." I hopped up from my seat.

I raced out of the office and into the hallway once the bell rang. "Sister from the same mister!" I yelled, walking up to her at our lockers.

ALMOST │MARCUS BAKERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ