The ending of one of the greatest heroes

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Jin POV 

My god... it's been ten years since I then well I think writing this down for my children to read when I get old it would be the best for them. Well I think the best start is that, how I defeated the greatest enemy to humanity Salem. Well let me explain or said journey, after I woken up from my coma and such both of our teams being RWBY and JNPR all of us started to begin our journey being that we had to lie to our family and teachers to go into this harsh world. As we did so Ozpin was assassinated by a faunus man of a lunatic being Tyrian and from that he was reincarnated once more to a boy name Oscar a normal farm boy. After that we learned that Blake had to go to her home and we all agree, but to make sure of that I had to come to make things more safer. Penny in the mean time when back to Atlas for her own safety as well along with Weiss giving her safety as with her giving the strength to fight back. Once everything was cleared and we all had our plan set we were off. Here what happen to these two adventures. 

The group that went with RY, JNPR, and a certain crow they first started with getting ready being that of clothes and upgrades to their weapons. Once that was over they went to a abandoned village where they fight Tyrian and meet Qrow who was following them in their journey. From their he explain he semblance along being poison by that bastard as well. As they make to another abandoned place they had to face the creature that Ren's parents and village were killed and destroyed a Nuckelavee. From that Ren killed it and was finally released from his own past got his revenge. After they were now at Haven and once there they trained and such and finally meeting the boy that being Oscar that has the half of the soul of Ozpin. That's when later on Weiss came into the mix and from there both battles of the White Fang and such as with the getting the relic of Knowledge for it. That's where I, Blake, and Sun came in and from there fighting off the bad guys once more. 

For our group being Blake and I sailing on a ship as the two of us set our eyes to her home, but as we did the ship was attacked by a Sea Feilong. But, out of the blue Sun comes as he was stalking us from the shadows also following us. After we all defeated the Sea Feilong we made it to her home being Menagerie. Once there we had to explain to them about what has happen and what was going on to her parents as her father was once the Chief of the White Fang or said leader. But, after while of us being there we were being spy by another member of the White Fang being a Blake former friend, but again they will become friends again later and once later her friend's name was Ilia she damaged Sun and we had to do something so we had to heal him. But, not only that the events of what I said in the second part of this journey happen so we were all reunited and such and got the relic. 

It was then that we all started to travel to Atlas to bring them the relic of knowledge, but as we took the train. We were attack by a horde of grimm and we were fools to think taking the train because we just found out that the relic can draw grimm to it. From there we started to fight the grimm of the also I saved a person from getting killed by going overboard of the train. We had a plan to separate our team the team JNPR would take care of the passengers as for team RWBY, Qrow, and I hold off the grimm. Once we did we crashed as the fireball that one made was sent to the detached train cart we all crashed. Once we awakened we were in the snow along with a old lady whose was a Silver eyed warrior as with being the Grimm Reaper in the stories of legends of Huntsmen and Huntresses. It was then that Ruby uses the relic to see what was going and see that or said that we learned about Salem and Ozpin past. Once we knew about Salem being immortal and before everyone started to go god damn crazy on the vessel. I told that I can defeat her and told them to "remember what they know of me" and from that point they thought to themselves that maybe he's right on that part. Besides I took down a god who said that he was immortal and now not anymore so that proves that nothing is immortal. For the time we had to take shelter because a snow storm came and we all had to take shelter. But, after that everyone started turn different as they became more dead inside, but then our worst came as Ruby accidental tossed the relic in the whale and so I went down as with team RWBY. Once we went down picked back up we were face by what was the cause and the cause was one of or maybe the worst grimm I ever encountered Apathy, a grimm capable of draining ones will power. Soon after that I had to use my Devil power along with Ruby now capable of using her eyes we kinda used our beams being hers and mines she made them vaporize as for me destroying them. 

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