Golden trio??

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My first class is potions.  I heard people saying that there's a new professor for it. Horace Slughorn. Hm maybe he's nice?? Must get going then. As I'm walking through the corridors I see my new friends I made in the common room.  I see them and run too hug them. their names are  sage, and Venus. i really like their names,  As me and the girls are walking I see our other girl in our friend group Luna. She's very misunderstood. she's also a raven claw girl. I met her when I got lost making my way to the slytherin common room. I seem to get lost alot.

We all put our arms around each other and began to walk through the corridors. Everyone looking at us. Probably because  I made a scene in the great Hall. Worth it though.

I suddenly see a very familiar face. The boy who caught my eye when I walked through the great hall. He was a ginger boy with bright blue eyes. he was with the same people he was sitting with. I must introduce myself. I whispered to my girls. " come on girls I need to meet this trio"

"Hello!!" I say as I put my hand out for the boy with round glasses and messy hair. "I'm y/n Princeton, well you probably know considering the headmaster announced it" I say with a giggle. " yes hi my name is Harry Potter" he said while shaking my hand. "that name seems kinda familiar, i just cant put my finger on it" I said giving him a big smile and making my way to the girl with fluffy brown curls coming down past her shoulders.

"Hello nice to meet you my name is Hermione Granger" she said giving me a warm hug. I like this girl . I like her vibe.

I reply with " well very nice to meet you Hermione Granger." With a big smile on my face:)

"And you're name is ??" I say looking at the tall ginger boy.

"Ron weasley" he gulps.

"Well hello Ron weasley you quite caught my eye when I walked in today" As I said that his face turned bright red almost as his hair.

"Alright well I must be off I have potion class, I'll see you guys around, come on girls"


As we were making our way we all split since we all had different classes for our first.

I walked into potion class a little late. I got lost again.

I suddenly hear the professor say "and you must be the new student, ah yes y/n Princeton. how come you're late  on you're first day!"

I reply with " sorry professor got a little lost on my way"

" ah yes very common it's a big place isn't it. Let's see here today we aren't learning anything specific so how about I sent Ronald weasley to show you around the school?" The professor said to me.

"You are so kind professor but only if Ronald is ok with it" I said with a little laugh because he didn't introduce himself earlier with his real name.

Ron quickly got up and said "uhm. I don't mind professor"

"Alright then off you guys go hurry" the professor loudly said as me and Ron walked our way to the door.

"Sooooo Ronald huh" I said laughing

"Bloody hell I hate that name" Ron said

"Ahahaha it's cute" I replied with
"Hmm what do you say we run through the corridors??"


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