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Ok so to make it better play the song ;)

Ron: "hey wait for me!"

Y/n: "catch me if you can weasley!!"

Ron: "bloody hell. You're gonna get us introuble"

Y/n: "eh so what come onnnn"

Ron didn't really seem like the type to be worried about getting introuble. Oh well guess I'm going to have to show him some fun! I grabbed his hand and we ran through the corridors. They were empty. as we were running we heard someone coming around the corner so Ron grabbed against one of the wall so we can hide and I was to busy trying not to laugh. Ron looked around checking the person was gone, he looked back at me. And we were so close to each other. Our noses almost touched I looked down at his lips and back to his eyes that were doing the same. I can feel him breathing. I felt warm because of how close we were.  Wow. I cant even speak. I just felt like grabbing him and kissing him. But I obviously couldn't I didn't even know if he was available! So I just decided to push him offf and laugh, as I ran off I said "come on weasley!"
He just rolled his eyes and followed me.

After we walked for a bit outside it felt good. The air hitting my face. It smelled like soil after it rains. I loved that smell. ron led me down to a small house outside.  Ron introduced me to hadgrid. Which I already loved he was so sweet. We later headed back after having tea with hadgrid.

"Hey how about we meet up here at night. It would be 10x better!"

Ron replied with "actually that sounds good sometimes I can't sleep and I take some walks at night."

"Ok then meet here at 10 :)" I said.


I made my way to my next class . The other classes went pretty smooth Ron mostly just showed me how to get to my classes we didn't get to explore the rest of the place hopefully later tonight. It's already dinner, today went by quick. I made my way to the great hall with Venus,sage, and Luna by my side. Everytime I walk in somewhere everyone turns to look at me. Kinda got used to it. The girls went to sit at slytherin table and Luna at raven claw of course. But I went to go check out Ron's table.

"Hey guys! oh and you two handsome twins are ?"

They replied " Fred, George. And you must be y/n"

"Ron you kinda look like them" I chuckled

*Fred and George laughed*

"Wait don't tell me you guys are siblings!"
*they all nodded*
"Well sorry to say this Ron but they are definitely better looking"

*ron rolled his eyes*

"Oi I like this one" Fred said
"Read my mind Fred" George said smiling at his brother.

"Alright come here boys" you said while putting both of you're hands around the twins with you're face in between them. they both kissed you're cheek.
Ron looked so jealous it was almost funny.

"well I'll see you later Ron ;)" you said as you walked back to slytherin table. I like those twins I'm definitely going to get along with them for sure.

I almost forgot I was meeting Ron! I quickly put on my shoes. I completely forgot I was wearing a tank top with no bra and some tight shorts. Oh well :)
Maybe I'll tease with it ahahaha. 

As I made it down to where I told Ron to meet I see him standing there in his pajamas.

Y/n: "Hey you"

Ron: "little late"

Y/n: " I was finishing up my homework"

Ron: "alright alright let's go"

Y/n: "wanna give me a piggy back ride ;)pretty please:))))"

Ron: "wtv come on"

I brought my invisibility cloak incase. Because I'm smart like that duh. Ron eventually gave a piggy back ride as we ran through the corridors. I wrapped my hands around his neck while he carried me. he had pretty big shoulders. Wow. I didn't want to get him exhausted so I jumped off his back.

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