Butter beers?

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                             ~~Next morning ~~

I woke up very tired, considering I had so much fun last night. Ah last night. It was the best time I've had with a boy believe it or not. But enough about that I need to get ready ! I quickly put on my grey skirt and my white button up shirt and tucked it in. Oops can't forget my white knee high socks. By the time I was done getting ready all the girls left to the common room. I took a peek (again) outside to the common room just to check who was there. it was only a couple of people most of them already left but I still haven't seen Draco. Maybe he's still in bed? I waited until everyone was out. I quietly made my way to the boys door. I tried to listen but he probably put a spell on it. I tried to open the door and it was open- so knowing my nosy self I walked in. I saw draco sitting on his bed. He looked up at me with red eyes. It looked like he was crying. Should I ask?? No maybe he doesn't want to talk about it. I should just try and make him smile. Yes okay..

Y/n: "heyy..."

Draco: ......

Y/n: "want to eat breakfast up here with me :)"

*he nodded yes*

Y/n: "look you don't have to talk about what's wrong I'll rather get you're mind off whatever is happening"

Draco: "I would tell you if it wasn't so complicated."

Y/n: " no need to explain!! I'll get my friends to bring us food he's a house elf"

Draco: "I used to have a good house elf I would talk to him about school his name was Dobby"

Y/n: "that's adorable ahahaha"

Draco: " oh shush"
*Rolls eyes*

That rest of the morning we just shared stories with each other and ate breakfast. it was actually pretty good. I'm glad I stayed back.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. My classes were pretty easy so far. Although I haven't ran into Ron yet. I wanted to talk to him about something. I'll probably do that later because sage, Venus, Luna, and Draco are coming with me to get some butter beers! I must be going to meet them. I don't want to be late like always. I met up with them outside the big school doors and we all walked together.

As we were walking Draco put his arm around my waist.. The girls noticed too. Geez I don't want people thinking we are dating it's only my 2nd day at school! Although I did kiss Ron.. but it was only a kiss! So then this isn't really a big deal yeah yeah! We finally made walked into the shop. I completely forgot Draco had his hand around my waist as we made our way inside. I felt a strong pair of eyes on me. So I look from the corner of my eye and I  saw Ron. Hermione. And Harry.  We sat down at our table and I still felt Ron's eyes on me. Is he on something?? Why does he keep looking at me? Maybe he didn't like the kiss? Or didn't want it. Worse he's dating Hermione! Or something else. I can't help but think the worse.

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