Astronomy Tower

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Play song trust me on this one.


It was finally the next day. I've been looking forward to this so much. He said tonight. I'm so nervous still.
My whole day went by very quickly. It finally came the time. I made my way up to the astronomy tower.

Its quite beautiful up here. I've never really seen in at night like this. I leaned against the railing admiring the stars for a moment since I was pretty early. I stood there for about a good 6 minutes. I loved it up here. but I could hear someone's footsteps coming. I think it's Draco finally. But I just kept looking at the stars.

"You've always looked pretty looking at the stars" a familiar voice said.

I quickly turned around to see Ron. Standing there. I could feel my throat get dry.

"What are you doing here??" I looked very confused.

"I miss you y/n" Ron quickly said.
"And I can't stop thinking about you"

"Ron-" I tried to get a word in.

"I hate seeing you with draco" he said Interrupting me.

"You're with sage and I'm happy with draco." I said hoping her understands

He then grabs my arms pulling me closer to him. But before he could speak I quickly turn hearing someone.

"Sorry I'm late love-"

He was standing there with a bouquet of lavender flowers. My favorite flowers.

"Draco it's not what it looks like please" I quickly said pulling back from Ron.

"Y/n-" draco tried to say before Ron cut him off.

"It's exactly what it looks like Malfoy, a hook up." Ron said with a smirk.

"He's-" I tried to get a word in.

"We've been hoking up for weeks, oh come on tell him" Ron kept insisting.

"you've been what??" Draco said dropping the lavender flowers.


"I can't do this right now." Draco said while is eyes looked watery. He walked out.

My heart dropped. Why would- why did Ron say that..

"If you ruin this for me.. I promise you. I will NEVER forgive you this time." I said looking straight into Ron's eyes.

"No y/n I did this for us- wait" he grabbed my hand trying to speak.

"No. You did this for your self. Leave me alone and DONT ever talk to me." I said with tears falling down my cheek.

I ran out trying to find where Draco went. I spent a few hours looking for him. I couldn't find him. it was getting pretty late but I wanted to make things right with him because I didn't do anything with Ron. I felt like it was time for me to make my way back to my room. Since I couldn't find him.

I laid with tears falling down my cheek every minute. My eyes felt tired on how much I was crying. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. It kept repeating in my head. I tried to read a book to get my mind of things but it didn't help considering I read these books with draco.

I was playing with the ring around my neck. It was dracos. It was very special to me. He gave it to be the day we started dating. it has his name on it. Draco Malfoy. Such a lovely name. memories of me and Draco kept replaying in my head. wait. How did he get the lavender flowers. They aren't any near here at hogwarts. He went home. he told me how much he hated being home. But he always told me about a garden he and his mother has been growing since he was a kid. He has lavender flowers at the manor. He went back home to get me my favorite flowers.

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