CH. 7 - Life

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I yawned and woke them up after a long night of talking and drinking. "Oi, wake up." I stretched my arms and shaked them a little.

"Wake up!" I yelled and they covered their ears together. "Shitty-heads, wake up!" I once again yelled and Kuina lifted her head to me. "We. Are. Still. Sleeping." She said and lay her head down back.

"Well. I. Said. Wake. Up." I said and slowly approached the curtains. I pulled it and she and the others groaned. "Fuck you, [Y/N]." They mumbled.

I snickered and walked in the other side and pulled the curtains too. Chishiya and Arisu shared a blanket and covered their heads. "Give us some peace, miss." Chishiya uttered. "You're fucking sleeping in my room!" I said and they all hummed, saying that they are aware of that.

"Usagi, Kuina, stand up!" I grabbed each of their arms and tried to stand them up from the floor. "I like sleeping here." Kuina mumbled and chuckled, as well as Usagi. "Yeah."

"Please, you all are so drunk." I pretended to cry. "Okay fine, if you won't, I'll leave you all here." I scare. "Sure, thank you." They almost said in sync.

I groaned and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Chishiya suddenly went to the bowl and threw up while I wash my face. "Oi! I'm here." He continued and not for a while, Kuina also entered and patted his back. "Move!" She said and threw up as well.

"Gosh." I uttered with disgusted face.

I left the bathroom and Usagi and Arisu were mumbling something to theirselves. "I'll go eat, make sure to clean my room." I rolled my eyes and chuckled by how the way they looked. Chishiya and Kuina were still in the bathroom, exchanging few curses to each other.

I went outside to eat breakfast and to find Suguru. There were already people, partying and flirting. Early in the morning, really.

"Can't believe you got some time to find love with this situation." I mumbled to myself and stare at them for a moment and immediately turned around. "Why? Do you want one too?" Suguru chuckled that made me jump a bit.

"No, not at all. I can't just belive them." I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Anyways, do you ate already?" I asked as we walk through the corridor. "Not yet." He yawned.

"Let's eat together." I yawned as well. "They fell asleep in my room last night after drinking a. Lot." I faced-palmed. "What?! They did?!" His eyes widened and took a deep breath. "Yeah, it's so hard to wake them." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"How about you? I even need to bring you to the floor—" I covered his mouth and pushed him. "Shut up, please." I bitterly smiled. "Anyways, where's Yuki?" I asked and he changed his face to his usual face to others.

"I don't know." He said and stared at me. "Why? Do you like him?" He added. I looked at him for a minute, trying to calm myself. I gritted my teeth before speaking, "That's not it! Of course he's my friend. Isn't it normal to ask?" I rolled my eyes.

"Ooh, so you're that friendly?" He covered his mouth and laughed. "I really want to have a peace morning." I stated as we get closer to our usual seats. "There is no such peace in this world." He sighed.

"Well...uh, you got a point." I replied.

We ate lunch because it's not really a good time to eat breakfast since we thought that it's better. We ate more foods and made some short conversations since we're literally busy with our plates and chewing our foods. After we ate, we planned to go in my room and see if they're still laying their ass' down.

"[Y/N]?" A guy called me out, standing behind us. I looked to Suguru, confused and approached the guy. "Uh, hi." I muttered and he looked scared since I'm with Suguru. "Hatter said he needs you to come with me." He said in low voice.

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