CH. 9 - Annoying Rat

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(Mature content warning/coming. ⚠️)

After everyone agreed to Chishiya, we procceded on planning to steal the cards since Hatter once said it's the only way to get out of the Borderland.

Usagi doesn't really agree the idea that Arisu will be the one to find the cards inside Hatter's room, but Arisu would convince her that it is the only chance if something really did happen to Hatter.

"How if nothing really happened to him?" I interrupted them as they kept arguing the idea that Arisu will be the one to come inside.

They all stopped from talking to each other and leaned their backs down. I looked at them as they kept their eyes locked in the ground.

"Then we'll wait for another time when everybody is too busy to notice that we're busy betraying them." Chishiya said as he turned his gaze to me.

"Who knows? We might wait forever." I said back and stared. "Mmm-hmm, who knows either? We might just need to hang on a little bit."

Kuina and Suguru cleared their throats and looked at us as they noticed that we don't really agree to each other. "Can you guys stop." Suguru said in his usual tone that made Chishiya wear a smirk. "A-anyways, let's just wait for Hatter." Yuki added, receiving a glare from Suguru and a half-nodded.

"Only if he's still alive." I said and stood up from my seat, walking to the door. I sighed and turned to them as I stretched my arms with yawn. "Let's just talk about it tomorrow." I said and walked out.

Suguru followed with Yuki, seeing me entered inside the elevator. "She must be going to rest." Suguru uttered and held his gun tightly.

"Ah, yeah." Yuki stated and Suguru faced him. "You better not tell this to anyone." Suguru said in his anger tone, but was trying his best not to scare the boy as he leaned his head closer to the boy. "Y-yes!" He answered. "And you better make sure that [Y/N]'s safe whenever I'm not around." Suguru stood up properly as Yuki nodded his head as a respond.

Soon, Chishiya and the others left the room and walked in their ways. "Oi." Suguru called him out and stopped him. He turned around and raised a brow. "You better not do anything that'll harm her." Chishiya remained silent and looked at him. "Why? Did my actions hurt her?" He squirted.

Suguru sighed in annoyance and pointed his gun to the ground. "Who would know? Maybe you just did." He exclaimed. "Really? Thank you then." Chishiya faked a smile and continued from walking. "And anyways, say that to yourself too." He added and turned to his way.

"If I could just kill that rat." Suguru almost yelled in annoyance to Yuki. "Y-yeah." He hesitated agreed.

I quickly lay myself down at my bed as my arm started to ache again, as well as my head. The head was making it worse. I stood up quickly and turned off the light real quick.

I lay myself down again and placed my head underneath the pillow. My head and arm continued to hurt, my stomach started to rumble, and my body wants a warm bath right now, but I didn't care.

All I want is to rest and nothing more. I don't want to talk to anyone right now as I remembered what happend to me this morning.

I stayed silent with the same position, not even moving a muscle or a strand of my hair. What I only feel right now is my head and arm aching, my rumbling stomach, my body who selfishly wanted to take a warm bath, and my heart who's beating every second of my stupid, miserable, depressing life.

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