CH. 14 - Killer

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3rd Person's POV

[Y/N] and Yuki still went to find Niragi and the others stuck to the plan. Half of the people are dead and some of them were thrown away at the fire in able to complete the game.

Witch Hunt and Niragi, those are the things that [Y/N] have only kept in mind.

"Yuki." [Y/N] called the boy out as she stopped, facing a door. "Yes?" He asked.

"If this is a Witch Hunt and we need to find who killed, then who's the person that got killed?" She coldly muttered.

Yuki's eyes grew wide after realizing that fact. No one knows exactly the person and it didn't tell them to find it. They're told to find the killer.

"I-I don't kno—" Yuki was cut off when [Y/N] slammed the door and entered inside eagerly. "[Y/N]-san, what are y—"

Yuki stopped as he saw Hatter with his men inside, as well with Niragi. "Oh, why the fuck are you hiding here?" [Y/N] clicked her tongue and glanced at Chishiya. "Did someone fail?" She snickered.

Chishiya cleared his throat for her to be quiet. "So all this time, Suguru is here, huh?" She added. "Let me ask you, are you trying to kill my friend?" [Y/N] widened her eyes as she examined Hatter's expression.

A face of a murderer.

"Yuki! Would you mind getting this shit out of here?" She grinned and looked at Niragi, laughing. "I'm just joking, Suguru." She whispered and removed the tape in his mouth.

"Fuck you." He uttered to her, still in pain. "The audacity, you even almost get killed." She uttered and lazily rolled her eyes. Yuki went inside to help Niragi get out while [Y/N] kept looking at Chishiya.

"No one failed." Chishiya uttered and looked away.

She shifted her eyes to Hatter who's towering over her and huffed. "Now now now, could you explain to me the game that's commencing right now? Who the fuck the killer killed?" She stated, annoyingly.

Chishiya was surprised as he didn't notice the game and immediately stuck to their plan. "Who knows? I'm not the killer so how would I?" [Y/N] laughed.

"Oh right! I forgot you're a liar too!" She laughed harder and went to one of his men. She immediately snatched the gun and pointed it. "Maybe you're the killer!" She laughed.

This shit may be heavy, but I don't give a fuck now. She thought.

"How could you be so sure? That's my men." Hatter interrupted, earning a glare from [Y/N] and Chishiya.

"Then how could you be so sure?" She walked towards him and pointed the gun to his chest. They had a staring competition before proceeding, Hatter sighed and looked away.

"I need all of you to leave." He said. "Oh! Not all of you, I need you and you, Chishiya." She smiled as she looked at the two.

Before she let the rest leave. "I'll make sure your skins are going to roast to hell if you kill any people out there." She coldly said before they all left.

"So, where are we? Oh yes! We're about to find out who will be killed here! Right here, right now." She smirked.

"How can you be so sure that one of us in this room is the killer, [Y/N]." Hatter lazily muttered with his usual face. "Because maybe that's how the game goes." She clicked her tongue and gave the gun she was holding to him.

"Use it." She said while Hatter and the other two were confused. She sat down and glanced at Chishiya. "What are you waiting for? Use it." She impatiently said.

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