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Beam's P.O.V.

Next Friday arrived quickly and for the first time in months I was questioning if I should go to the coffee shop. I kinda wanted to see that guy again but I was wondering if I made him uncomfortable. I'ts not like I was going to approach him at least not after what happened last week. I sighed leaving my dorm room. I'm always there maybe I should just ignore him today. When I arrived there were a few people in front of me waiting to order. As I looked around I was surprised to see the guy staring at me. He never arrives before me. I couldn't help but smile at him and he did too for a second before looking away and focusing on his work. That brightened my mood again and I was happy. Maybe he was just shy. I made my order and sat down at my usual table. I kept stealing glances at the guy who didn't turn to look back at me again. But I was alright with it since that meant I could look at him freely.

I didn't get much work done. After admiring the guy for a while I started questioning myself. Could I really be gay? Surprisingly it didn't bother me. It was more of a realization. I knew I liked the guy sitting across the room even if I knew nothing about him not even his name. I feel happy just watching him from afar and somehow my heart beats faster when our eyes meet.

But what now? Should I make a move? How would I know if he is gay anyway? He could end up avoiding me completely judging by how he reacted the time I sent him the cake. Phana should be able to clarify most of my doubts since he knows him. But could I trust him? He's been acting weird these past couple of months. But I guess I could try asking him at least his name to see how he reacts and judging from that I will decide to ask more or stop.

I left as usual at eight but this time I didn't have any work done. I had the rest of the weekend though so I didn't mind that much. When Monday came I walked in to the classroom confidently. I sat down next to Phana.

"I need a favor." Was the first thing I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Wow not even a Hi first that's cold." He said and I laughed.

"Hi Phana, I need a favor." I said and this time Kit laughed.

"What do you need?" He asked letting out a sigh.

"Well there's this friend or at least used to be friend from engineering and I want to know his name." I said and he looked at me surprised before turning to Kit. They looked at each other for a while like having some kind of conversation that I wasn't a part of. This made me think it was a bad idea.

"I know a lot of people from engineering you are going to have to be more specific." He said and I nodded.

"You know what? Forget about it. Its not important anyway." I said getting a bad feeling. He had seem to drop it which to be honest was a little weird on his part. But I didn't want to question it.

The rest of the week I noticed Phana and Kit had become way more attentive than usual. They were basically watching my every move which I found extremely weird. Once Friday rolled around I was scared of even going to the coffee shop in case they followed me. I made sure to see them leave together for a double date before making my way to the coffee shop.

I did my usual routine and sat down to enjoy my food. Five minutes later the guy arrived. I was thinking of going over to ask his name. I was intrigued and had no other way of knowing. As I was building up my courage two people entered the shop. My face fell once I realized it was Phana and Kit who quickly spotted me.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked once they sat down in front of me.

"It was a coincidence we stopped by while waiting for Ming and Wayo." Said Phana and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right! You were following me!" I said and before Phana could reply Kit nudged him and pointed in the direction the guy was sitting.

"Don't tell me that's the guy you were talking about." He said and I looked at him suspiciously.

"What if he is? You got a problem with that?" I asked.

"Yes." He said and I was surprised.

"Huh, why?" I said confused.

"He is trouble Beam. Stay away from him. The less you know the better."

"Again with the secrets I am getting tired of this." I said and Phana was starting to get mad but I didn't care.

"Just trust me on this." He said through gritted teeth.

"Can you at least explain to me why he's trouble then? He doesn't look like a bad person or anything." I said.

"Can't you just trust me I am your best friend!" He said.

"That's not a good enough reason! Kit do you agree with this?" I said looking at him and he was hesitating.

"I don't know, I want to stay out of it." He said and I sighed.

"I kinda like him and it's been so long since I have felt this way about someone. Even before the accident I don't remember having a girlfriend since a long time ago. I have always supported you guys with Ming and Wayo or whoever you liked. No questions asked. Now that I need your help you can't even give me a good reason! What kind of bullshit is this." I said getting mad.

"I can't tell you right now Beam. Just know that I want the best for you ok. You can literally choose anyone else but him. So just let this one go for the sake of everyone." Said Phana and I sighed.

"Fine I understand." I said already tired and not wanting to fight with them. They seemed hesitant but nodded.

"Lets go then, we should have fun just the three of us." Said Phana and I agreed leaving with them to not raise suspicion.

If they don't want to help me fine I'll do it on my own. I am going to find out who he is. Next time I see him I will approach him. Phana and Kit acting that way only made me more determined.

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