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Beam's P.O.V.

It took me a minute to compose myself. I wiped my tears and stared at my phone angrily. That asshole just tried to break up with me because of my parents. Well that's not going to happen not after he made me fall in love with him. I gave him many chances to leave me and he chose to stay so this wasn't the thing that was going to break us apart. I was so mad right now but I could understand where he was coming from he's always so selfless when it comes to loving me. This time I am the one who gets to fight for our love. He thinks I'm stupid but I already know everything. He can't simply hide things from me he should know that by now. He will have to hear me when I get home he chose to hide things from me and not only that but he tried to break up with me. I decided to leave him a message before going inside the house.

-Don't you even try to disappear before I get back Forth Jaturapoom. We are talking face to face when I get back and thats final. Even though I'm mad at you I still love you.- I sent the text before turning off my phone. I didn't need any distractions at this moments. I got inside the house and mom came rushing towards me.

"Honey were you crying? What happened?" She asked looking concerned and I was trying hard to stay composed.

"Where is dad?" I asked ignoring her questions and her expression turned sour.

"In his study why?" She asked looking at me sternly.

"Don't act like you don't know why I am here mother." I said coldly and her eyes widened before she turned around.

"I have no idea." She said feigning ignorance. "I'll look for you father breakfast is almost done sit down." With that she left the room and I sat down on the table which was full of my favorite food. She was clearly expecting me. She probably thought I'd come home heartbroken and be grateful for all of this. I'd say I couldn't believe it but they were my parents after all I knew better than that. A few minutes later they both showed up sitting down with me.

"What happened son? What are you doing here on a school day?" Dad asked feigning ignorance too. I decided to play their games for a while.

"We've been fighting a lot so I wanted to come and make things right once and for all." I said looking at him with a serious face and he seemed taken aback.

"And how do you propose we settle this matter then." He said.

"How about you stop meddling in my love life which has nothing to do with you anyway." I went straight to the point and I heard my mother gasped and my father coughed clearly not expecting what I was saying.

"What ever that good for nothing boyfriend told you it's not true. Are you seriously going to believe him over us." He said raising his voice and I laughed.

"That's we're you're wrong he didn't say anything I had to find out on my own that my very own family betrayed me. You went behind my back to talk to him a week ago. But guess what? you chose the wrong place because everybody at that cafe knows us two. I have a video of you threatening my boyfriend while mom was at my apartment trying to make me feel guilty for loving someone." I said in the most calmest cold voice I could muster.

"So what? I don't want you to be with a man. I tried to make this easier for you. But that's final you heard well what's going to happen if you stay together." He said with a smirk on his face and I was disgusted by my own father. I knew how he could be but this, this is unacceptable.

"Do you think I care? Do you really think I'm that useless? You can't do with me whatever you want I'm not some useless puppet you can thrown around as you please. Let me tell you something you are not breaking us apart you hear me. I am not going anywhere either. Don't you think I can fend for myself? I have a loving boyfriend who supports me and I can work to earn my own money. Here the one that ends up losing is you. Because I'll tell you something. You may not agree with me being with Forth but that doesn't mean you can interfere. If I have to choose between you two and him I'll choose him. Because instead of going against you two or telling me what you were doing he chose to hurt himself and me in the process by trying to break up with me. But you choose to lie and try to take everything away from me by force. I will not go over this matter twice either you will have to learn to deal with the fact that I love another man or I'll walk out that door and you will never hear from me again." I said letting it all out at once. I was so freaking mad right now. I couldn't even stop talking until I said everything that was on my mind. They both looked shocked. "I'll give you some time to process everything." I said walking away before they said anything.

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