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Beam's P.O.V.

We stayed in bed for a while. I couldn't help but hold his hand while we were both silent trying to process everything. I felt like if I let him go I will forget him again. Like this is all a dream and when I wake up everything going to be a blur and I still won't know what happened. It was a while before one of us talked.

"I want to see Phana and Kit." I said and Forth nodded.

"I think they are still at Kits apartment want me to check?" Asked Forth and I quickly shook my head no.

"I will go with you." I said standing up with him still not letting him go. He looked at our hands and then at me. Seems like he realized I don't want to let him go. I was about to pull my hands embarrassed but he was quicker and stopped me putting his other hand on top mine.

"Hey its ok, we will go together then." He said and continued to walk. Feeling relieved I followed him outside. He knocked at Kits door and I waited anxiously. I wasn't sure what to expect from them. Ming was the one to open the door letting us in. Phana and Kit quickly turned to look at us they seemed worried.

"How are you feeling?" Asked Kit. I noticed Phana glaring at Forth before I turned to look at Kit.

"Overwhelmed." I said and he nodded.

"So you really remember everything?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I do." I said. We were all quiet for a while. "Why did you two lie to me? I can't seem to understand why you would do such a thing. You two are my best friends, the two people I'm supposed to trust most in this world. Why didn't you help me remember?" I finally asked the questions that have been bugging me this whole time.

"It's a long story. I promise you non of us wanted to hurt you. If you are willing to listen I can explain. I promise to only tell the truth." Said Kit and I nodded.

"Please do, I'm so confused. I don't even know what to think." I said sitting down with Forth beside me.

"Well let's start with why you had the accident." Started Kit and Forth interrupted letting out a cough. Kit glared at him. "I said I will tell the truth all of it. We are in this mess because of all the lies so no more ok?" Said Kit sternly.

"Yeah I'm sorry continue I just didn't want him to find out like this." Said Forth and he looked troubled.

"Is it about my parents?" I said and they all turned to look at me surprised.

"What? You know?" Asked Forth confused.

"Yeah I remembered everything. The day of the accident I was at my parents house confronting them because they were against our relationship. I remember Kit had warned me since he saw my dad talking with you at the coffee shop. He recorded almost everything and I knew you were going to break up with me because of them. I went home to tell them that was not going to happen then I left. On the way back I lost control of my car. Then I woke up in the hospital." I said and Forth was crying again.

"I need some air, I'm sorry Beam please continue without me. I need some time for myself." He said and I was scared but still let him go. I needed answers and he needed space.

"Forth was the first to arrive at the hospital, then Phana and I. When your parents arrived Forth and your father got in a fight but we managed to separate them. You were unconscious for a week. During that time Forth didn't want to leave the hospital. He was always sitting outside your door in a chair. Your parents didn't let him see you until Phana and I got there everyday. They would leave for an hour to eat so we let Forth spend time with you alone before we walked in. Once they came back Forth would return to his seat outside. We had to physically drag him out of the hospital to have a meal, take a bath and sleep at least a couple of hours before we drove him back to the hospital. Then you woke up and couldn't remember him which I think is what broke him. After you couldn't remember him your parents asked him to stay away from you and he was blaming himself. I think he still does. I can't tell you what he was thinking in that moment but in his head it seemed like the right decision at the time. He truly believed you will be happier without him in his life. Phana was so mad though that he left so he took your parents side. He warned Forth to never come near you again if he walked away. I kind of understood him though but I couldn't do much. For the first few months I tried to help you remember him but it was no use. I kept Forth updated all the time about you but I couldn't do anything else. I didn't want to overwhelm you with anything. I didn't even know if you would believe me if I told you everything when everyone else was saying otherwise. Eventually I just joined everyone in telling you that you had remembered everything so that was my mistake. I wasn't trying to keep you away from the truth though I knew about you going to the coffee shop before Phana did and I also knew you sneaked into your old apartment. I had to pretend I didn't to keep Phana away because I knew he wouldn't agree. I also tried to keep him out of the coffee shop and I managed to do that except one time. I didn't know how to help you that was the only way I could think off. I thought if you two got closer you will remember. The first time you came to my apartment I called him and told him to go to the coffee shop. I though you might've remembered something. Instead you passed out when he got there. I know I should've done more. Maybe I should've told you. But so much time had passed and I didn't know if you were going to remember or not. I didn't want to tell you about Forth just to have you feel guilty because you couldn't remember him. I thought it wouldn't do any good to anyone. It was a unexpected situation and none of us knew what the correct thing to do was. We all just did what we thought was best." He said and I nodded trying to process everything. This was all just some fucked up mess. I looked at Phana who had been quiet this whole time.

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