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Forth's P.O.V.

When Beam called me after I broke up with him or at least tried I didn't know whether to answer or not. I was conflicted but in the end I pick it up before it stopped ringing. I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet and then he talked and it seems like he was having a hard time. I thought his parents already told him that he will be leaving but he insisted he was coming back home. I was confused and honestly heart broken hearing him so sad but I complied with his request and started talking about engineering activities and stuff. Somehow along the way I started talking about the memories we have made together and we were just laughing and enjoying each other's company. But then he had to leave.

It was getting late and I was getting more and more anxious something just didn't feel right I was unsettled. Then he sent me a text that he was on his way home. That calmed me a bit but not fully I won't be fine until I have him back in my arms. I decided to start on making dinner to distract myself. I haven't left his apartment all day since I was so worried. I text him that and started preparing everything it should be done by the time he gets here.

By the time I finished setting the table I was getting anxious but he could just be stuck in traffic. I distracted myself this time with some work from university but I couldn't concentrate. When I looked at my phone an hour has passed. He should've been here almost two hours ago. I tried calling him but no one answered. I didn't know what to do except wait. I called one more time and someone picked up but it wasn't Beam.

-Am I speaking to Forth Jaturapoom?- said an older woman's voice on the other line. I was confused.

-Yeah, why do you have Beam's phone?- I answered confused.

-Mr. Jaturapoom you are Beam's emergency contact. I am sorry to inform you that he had an accident where he hit a tree. In the moment I don't have much information other that he was rushed to an emergency operation. We need you to come here immediately. Is there someone else we should contact?- I felt my world fall apart. I could barely make out what she was saying. Beam he had an accident. How could this happen?

-Is he ok?- I asked scared of the answer.

-Mr. Jaturapoom I'll tell you more when you come here. Now it's there someone else I should call.- she said calmly and I tried to compose myself.

-His parents you should call his parents. I'll be there soon.- I said hanging up the call. I instantly grabbed my wallet, a coat and the keys before sprinting out of the room.

I got on my bike and drove towards the hospital as fast as I could. It felt like my whole world was falling apart. He was just coming home and look at that. I can't let things end like this he can't die on me. He will go thinking that I wanted to break up with him. That can't happen. I can't live without him. He doesn't deserve this of all people he shouldn't be going through this. I quickly rushed to the front desk to ask for information.

"I am here for Beam Baramee they called me said he had an accident." I said desperately and the poor nurse looked taken aback.

"Give me a second and I'll look to see if we have any information." She said and I nodded tapping my foot on the floor feeling anxious.

"He is in surgery, he was unconscious when the paramedics arrived at the scene. He was rushed into surgery as soon as he arrived. That's all the information I have for now. I'll inform you once I know something else."

"Ok thank you." I said walking to one of the seats. I slumped down and grabbed my phone. My hands were shaking so bad and I hadn't even noticed. I dialed Pha's number first.

"Forth?" Pha said confused and I took a big breath.

"Phana..." I said my voice breaking.

"What's wrong?" He said concerned.

"It's Beam he had an accident. I am at the hospital. They didn't say much just that he's in surgery. Can you call Kit?" I said.

"I'll be there soon ok just stay calm. Beam is strong I'm sure he'll be ok."

I hung up after he finished talking. I ran my fingers through my hair. I can't believe what's happening. If I had just woken up earlier that him maybe I could've stopped him from going to his parents house. Or if I had just talked to him about everything and we confronted them both maybe he wouldn't have had an accident. Or if they really made him leave me and take him to another place at least he's be ok not I'm the verge of dying. If I just did things differently then I could've stopped this. Phana and Kit arrived with Ming and Wayo and I saw them rushed to the counter as I did. I walked towards them.

"They haven't told you anything else?" Asked Kit and I shook my head. Phana surprisingly came and hugged me.

"Everything's gonna be ok man. I know you must be feeling like shit but its not your fault ok?" He said.

"But it is! I could've stopped him from going over to his parents house I could at least accompany him but no he had to be alone." I said feeling defeated. This could have probably been avoided.

"Listen to me Forth this is not your fault. It could've happen even if he was here ok? Now you gotta be strong for Beam he will need you after this because I'm sure he's going to be ok and you need to be there for him."

"You're right. I just need some time to calm down. I'll go for a walk outside just call me if the doctors say something. I need to clear my head for a second." I said wiping my tears that started to fall down.

"Take your time the surgery it's probably going to take a while." He said and I nodded walking away. Right now my world is falling apart and I can't do anything about it.


I disappeared for a while from this story but don't worry I'll be updating this story a couple of times in the next few days to make up for it. So look out for updates they are coming soon.

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