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Beam's P.O.V.

"Beam?" Said Forth and I just looked at him confused.

"What are you doing here?" We both said at the same time. No one talked after there was just silence while we looked at each other. I was the first to talk.

"I had a spare key to this place hidden. I found it and decided to come in hopes of getting my memories back." I said looking at Forth who seemed weird for some reason. My focus was on the luggage he was carrying. "You were the one who bought this place then?" I continued.

"No, my parents did. After they found out that you were moving after the accident they thought I might want to keep living here. So they bought this place for me. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, this place just reminded me of us and that wasn't good for me. They still kept it in case I changed my mind later in. Not that it changed anything I still wasn't able to move on from you. Which was the reason I avoided coming here in the first place." He explained.

"What changed you mind then?" I said looking again at his suitcase but he just shrugged.

"Aren't you suppose to be in your mothers house?" He asked sitting down on the bed beside me.

"Ah about that I just wanted some time alone." I said looking at him guiltily and he nodded.

"I get it, it was a lot to process." He mumbled and I nodded.

"Do you mind me sleeping here today too?" He said and I shook my head. We were boyfriends we used to share this bed. What difference does it make? Even if I don't remember it still happened. Suddenly it was like my memories were triggered again and I started to remember.

I was sitting down on the couch studying with my head inside the big book. I looked up when someone opened the door and there stood Forth with a suitcase.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked closing my book and placing it on the coffee table.

"What does it look like? I'm moving in!" He said nonchalantly walking inside like he owned the place.

"Woah! Who told you to move in!" I said surprised.

"Oh come on! I practically live here already. I stay almost every night then I have to wake up at the crack of dawn to go get dressed at my place. So just let me move in or I will start leaving at 10 to go to my place. No more cuddling you to sleep." He warned and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine I guess you can stay if you put it like that." I said and he smiled happily.

"You're the best wifey." Said Forth giving me a kiss before running to my room with his luggage.

"That's strike two today! One more and you will sleep on the street." I made the warning this time.

"Fine I don't want you to kick me out so soon." He said coming back and making himself comfortable putting his head on my lap.

"You are annoying." I said and he pouted. I felt guilty so I leaned down to give him a kiss.

"Now that's better." He said. I smacked him and he laughed. After I was stroking his hair with one hand and holding the book with another.

After that the memory was over but I was happy. This is progress way more than I've had before. I looked at Forth about to tell him but he just looked sad.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked. I know he's suffering too. This is a hard situation for the both of us.

"I have to tell you something." He said and I nodded giving him my full attention. He sat down in front of me grabbing my hands in his and rubbing circles on the back of my palm. "I am leaving tomorrow. Since I thought you were at your mothers I came here as a way to say goodbye to us." He said and I gasped.

"What? For how long?" I asked feeling sad. Did he really have to leave now that I'm starting to get my memory back. That's not fair.

"I am going to continue studying in America and then I will probably just stay there. So I guess I am leaving forever." He said and I couldn't control the tears that escaped my eyes.

"No please don't leave." I said crying. He pulled me closer and started crying too.

"I can't bear this pain anymore Beam. Seeing you everyday. Having you so close and your feelings for me. It's too much." He said and my heart felt heavy. I can't believe this.

"You can't leave! Not now that I'm starting to remember you." I yelled at him and he seemed surprised.

"Y-you w-what?" He stuttered confused by what I had just said.

"I remember you! I remembered our two month anniversary when I gave you the bracelet with a B because I had your engineering gear. I also remembered the first time you moved in. You just barged in with your luggage and said you were moving here." I said and Forth seemed surprised he was quiet for a while and I continued.

"It doesn't matter anyway. You are leaving. Why does this keep happening to me? I can't believe this." I said and started sobbing not being able to control it anymore. Once again I felt like my world was falling apart and I couldn't breath.

"Beam! Are you ok?" I hear Forth ask but it was faint I could barely hear it.

Suddenly everything was quiet and I could see Forth in front of me. He was talking but I couldn't hear anything. He was becoming more and more faint until all I saw was darkness.

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