Chapter 19

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Hinata's POV:

I entered the house to hear laughing. I looked around to see how the house looked cleaner and more nice. I slid off my shoes and walked to the living room. I saw Natsu being chased by Nishinoya, Tsukishima being trampled, and Tanaka watching the Tv like nothings happening. Natsu saw my and ran into my arms. "Dad help! Nishinoya-Senpai is attacking me! AND- And! Papa is getting hurt!" Nishinoya ran up to me and smiled. "Hey Shoyo! May I have that?" He pointed down at Natsu. "What are you going to do with her Noya?" I asked sounding very innocent. "I was just going to give her hugs.."  He said getting down on his knees.

I nudged her a little and she hugged him. "Hey Tanaka come over here really fast!" He paused his show and ran up to me. "What up?" I pulled him to the kitchen and pulled out my laptop. "Did you hide a mini house that you like? If show my." Tanaka nodded and typed in a mini house app. His kind of looked like my house. "This one. It's in great condition and it's really cheap. Me and Noya checked it out earlier!" I nodded and scrolled through the pictures. "I have enough for this! " I chimed. I pressed the buy button. I put in my information and it was bought. 

"I bought it. I just need help with the backyard." We stood and walked to the backyard. We saw what Tsukishima had done. He already marked where the house would go but the yard was a mess. First thing we did was move Natsu's house to the side. There was a lot of dirt from the place where Kei marked for the house. Tanka put the dirt into a bucket while I set up flower bed where the dirt could go. He dumped all of the dirt into the flower beds and planted the seeds in them. He did so while I fixed the fence. There was a little shed where I put all the plie wood and metal. And just like that the backyard was finished, and it only took and hour. 

Tsukishima's POV:

I was in the living room with Natsu and Noya. I was watching a movie with them when someone knocked on the front door. I stood up and went to the door. "Hello?" I said as I opened the door. It was a man with black hair. He was somewhat skinny and was wearing a old hoodie with cigarette burns on it. "Hello Kei." I didn't know this man yet he knew me.. "How do you know my name! Who are you!?" He smirked. The words he told me will always haunt me.. "What aren't I supposed to know the name of the person who is dating MY son?" 

I stepped back and slammed the door. I locked it and grabbed Natsu and Noya. "HEY WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Noya yelled scared. "That was Hinata's dad. We need to get to Hinata before him." We walked straight at the backdoor. Hinata and Tanaka was just finishing up. "GUYS!" I shouting startling both of them. "What is it Kei?" I let go of Natsu and Noya to let them look at Hinata. "Your DAD is in the front of the house.." Hinata's eyes shot open and tears welled in his eyes. 

"Actually I'm back here with you, but whatever you say." The man shrugged. Hinata pulled us three back and stood in front of us. "What do you want?!" Hinata snapped at the man. "Aw don't act like you missed me~" "FUCK NO!! I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU KILL US LIKE YOU DID MY MOTHER!!" Hinata screamed as Hinata's 'Dad' came closer. "Oh come on I would never! Well I might if you don't stop yelling at me~!" 

Hinata's POV

"Oh come on I would never! Well I might if you don't stop yelling at me~!" I stared the man in front of me as my face grew hot. "You're killing us! You. Are. Killing. Us. Don't you get that!?" The man stopped shocked at my tone. I couldn't hold it back anymore so I continued to yell. "You made a drill with gun shots, and hammered down the door!! To prepare us for what exactly!? FOR WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE HUNTED! TO PRACTICE GETTING READY TO DIE! TO MAKE US FEEL. AFRAID. FOR. OUR. LIVES." My 'father' walked closer. "We already knows how that feels. You're scaring us TO DEATH! EVERYDAY!!" I continued to scream at the corner of my eye I saw Natsu crying and my neighbor coming to the backyard. I learned forward to continue. "EVERYDAY!!" The man walked closer. "EVERYDAY!" "Calm down son!"  He snapped. I didn't even flinch. "I AM NOT YOUR GOD DAMN SON!" He walked right in front of me. I pushed him to the ground screaming, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!" My tears flowed like rivers as I stood my ground. "WE'RE CHILDREN! We're KIDS. We should living our fucking lives. Instead of wasting at a cheap death, because you know what EVERYBODY FUCKING DIES!! EVERYBODY DIES!" I fell to my knees and held my hands together. "SO PLEASE, Please let us live." My 'father' was in tears. His eyes were wide open. He began to tremble. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry..."

I wiped my tears and stood up. I spat at the sad miserable man sitting in front of me. "You know what fuck you Utsubyo. Fuck You Utsubyo. FUCK You. FUCK YOU!" I turned away and walked into my house. Tsukishima, Natsu, Tanaka and Noya-Senpai following. This moment will always stay in history..

951 Words

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