Chapter Six

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Tsukishima's POV:

I heard a knock on the door. "Y-yeah?" I asked with a shacky voice. I heard the door knob rattle then an answer. "Are you okay!? Your cough is bad!!" It was Hinata.. I picked up the flowers and shoved them into my pockets. Then unlocked the door and opened it as well. "Yeah but I think I might have to go home.." I replied as I looked down on the boy. He looked so worried ,I don't know why though. He moved out of the way. "After I heard your cough I told Natsu to put your food in a container just in case you left.. So just make sure to give the container back tomorrow.." He said as he looked down at the corner of the bathroom door frame. I walked pass not saying anything, scared about what was happening. Natsu stopped me to ask ," Can you come back tomorrow so we can paint the house..?" I nodded as I said ,"Anything for you!" She smiled and gave me a hug goodbye. I hugged back grabbed my food and left..

Hinata's POV:

I watched as Tsuki left. When I focused he had a flower in his pocket. Why? WAS HE GOING TO GIVE IT TO ME?!?!! No everyone knows me and Kenma are dating... Right? I just went to my room as Natsu walked behind me. "Daddy can Papa Kenma come over??" "Yeah I'll invite him over.." I replied to the little orange haired girl. I got on my phone and texted Kenma asking if he could come over for Natsu. He replied with "Can we have a party?!" What?! Really he's never this open. I replied with "Sure did Kuroo ask or something? Invite Yaku and Lev!!" I looked at Natsu and informed her that we were going to have a party. I also told her there will be alcohol. She was ok with it sense I've had Kuroo, Bokuto, Noya and Tanaka Senpai, and there boyfriend over (Tanaka and Noya have bromance for each other) to party and drink. I called all of Karasuno, Iwa-Chan, Oikawa-San, Bokuto, Akashi-San, Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku, and Teudou . Everyone agreed to come. I had to go get snacks so I told Natsu to hurry and get Tsukishima. Natsu got Tsuki before he was out of site to paint the house because there was going to be a party.

Natsu's POV:

I couldn't believe Tsuki nii-chan was going to stay for the party! I watched as he thought me how to paint the house. "You go up, down. Then side to side. Then I'll help you get up there!" He looked so happy as he talked with me. We painted to whole house very fast because we worked as a team. Next we had to move all the rubbish to the dump. But he had a better idea we would make a play house for me. I ran to get the tools as he draw the play house ideas on a paper. I brought the tools out and I saw he already had everything in order. By seven we were covered in paint and dirt. We painted the play house with the extra paint. He had to run home and change. I waited in the freshly made play house. I saw Dad get home and walk inside with a smile on his face. He came out and stuck his head in the window. "Hey Sweeite! Wow it's big in here." He tried to get in but I stopped him. "You can't come in unless you know the secret password!" He started guessing then I saw Tsuki! He came and whispered the password into my ear ,"Baboon.." I moved as I let him in. Dad looked upset. We just watched as he continued to guess the password. We just got up and went to fix the house. Me and Tsuki decided that we would just stay in my room because I might be fine with them drinking but I'd rather be in my room and same with Tsuki. After Tsuki helped move the couch, set up snacks, turn on party music, and set up LED lights. Then he came to my room as people started to come into the house.

Tsukishima's POV:

My stomach hurt when I finished helping set things up. I went to the restroom and coughed up flowers throwing them in the trash then taking some unused toilet paper over it. Then I went to Natsu's room. When I got in there She pulled me to play with her new toys. We were playing for hours. She fell asleep at 11 PM. I layed in her bed with her as she played my phone before she fell asleep. About 25 minutes later I heard the door knob jiggle then open. Kuroo came backing into the room making out with someone. Then he flipped around and pinned KENMA to the wall. I felt like throwing up! Kenma was starting to pull the back of Kuroo's shirt. I knew this was going to get worse. "Exsuces me!?" They both stopped and Kenma pushed Kuroo and said ,"I CAN EXPLAIN!" I gave a made a upset face ,"LEAVE NOW.." Kenma ran out to the kitchen and kuroo followed closing the door behind him as he left. I pulled Natsu closer as I undid her hair and pulled the blanket over her back. She cuddled close to my chest as fell asleep. I woke up the next day to a strong scent of alcohol. I gagged. I covered Natsu's face with the blanket so when she woke up she wouldn't smell the alcohol. I went to the door and opened it and saw lots and lots of beer cans. I felt a ball form in my throat. I ran back into the room grabbing Natsu as she is still in her blanket. I brought her into her play house that was in the backyard. I made her comfortable. When I went back into the house I got a trash bag as I started to pick up the empty cans. I cleaned the whole house and moved the five people who were knocked out on the floor to the couch. I kept the back door open so the smell could go away. I stayed with Natsu till I heard ,"Ugh..... My head.." Continue with a knock on the roof of the play house. "You in there Natsu? Tsukishima?" I stayed quiet thinking about what I saw the night before. "Yeah me and Tsuki nii-chan are in here!" I forgot that Natsu was on my phone like last night. Hinata sat right outside of the doorway and talked about Kenma and him with me. I felt a clump in my throat. I crawled out and rushed to the restroom and coughed even bigger flowers then last night. They were covered in blood. It was five full minutes before I was okay. I grabbed the trash bag out of the trash can sense it was filled with bloody flowers. I throw in away in the front trash can and saw Suga walking to me. "Hi?" I said. "What are you doing here I didn't see you at the party last night!" Sigh I guess I have to tell him that I was with Natsu and blah blah blah.. "Well I was I was just with Natsu the whole time. I stopped everyone who went in there to do the dirty." I said as I closed the trash can. He glared at me as I walked to the backyard. He followed. I whispered the secret password to Natsu and she snuggled up to me as she grabbed my phone again. Suga sat down with us. "Ooo what is this!" Suga exclaimed Hinata told Suga. All about the freshly painted house and the new play house. We there for an hour before Kenma came up behind hinata sitting with him. Natsu's eyes grow as she saw him then she hid in the blanket that was wrapped around her. Kenma glared at me. To be honest I felt uneasy. I wanted to yell out 'HE'S CHEATING ON YOU!' But I couldn't. I whispered to Natsu as the other three talked. "Hey what's wrong?" She had tears in her eyes,"P-papa kissed Kuroo......." SHE SAW THAT?!?! Oh no this was BAD!! I felt another clump in my throat. I tried to swallow in up. But I made it even worse. I couldn't cough all over so I moved her down she was confused. I quickly crawled out and pushed through the three teens. I wasn't going to make it I covered my mouth with my inner elbow and felt weak. I leaned my back on the house as I coughed. Everyone looked worried but Natsu looked the most worried. She ran to me as The flowers fell to the floor. I slowly slide to the floor. Everything got blurry. I felt Natsu shaking me and I heard Natsu yelling while she cried....Blood..........Flowers.................Black........

Natsu's POV:

I was cuddled close to Tsuki when he moved me to the floor. He hurried out of our play house. I followed. He pushed through everyone and ran to the house. He covered his mouth with his elbow. I'm guessing he felt sick. He leaned his back against the wall as he coughed. I stood watching I was so worried. Everyone there was. When I saw huge bloody orange flowers poking out from under his arm I knew.... HE HAD HANAHAKI!!! I started crying. I start to run to him. He slowly slide down the wall of the house as he lost his grip on reality. He was up against the wall on the floor when I got to him. I was screaming trying to wake him up. I was shaking him as I yelled,"WAKE UP TSUKI PLEASE I NEED YOU!! YOU WERE THE BEST!! WAKE UP WAKE UP WKAE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!! DON'T GO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!" I continue even when heard LOUD sirens coming closer and closer. They took him into a ambulance. I was the one who was let to ride with him to the hospital. The doctors tried to calm me down. They calmed me down enough to sit down and sob. When we got there the doctors took Tsuki away from me. I was sat down to be talked to. They told me that his Hanahaki was at such a high leave there wasn't a very good chance that they could remove it. NO HE CAN'T LEAVE!! HE PROTECTS ME!!! I cried until I saw five worried people run to us. Dad, Papa, Suga-San, And Tsuki's Brother and Mother. They all talked to the doctors I snuggled into a sweater (that Tsukishima owned) Dad brought for me. I watched as the emergency sign flip on and off. Then it turned off completely. The doctor came out very upset. He came to me sense everyone was busy. "Sweet Heart....? We can't operate the surgery... He might not make it....." What..... NO! I broke down into tears.

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