Chapter 14

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No ones POV

Hinata walked home listening to the same songs as when he was walking there. Hinata took a different road to get home tho. He realized he was infront of Karasuno High. He went to the school and check if the doors were locked. They were, so he found a big rock and SMASH. The door handle broke a little. Hinata pulled it open with no problems now. He dropped the rock right next to the door as he walked in. His footsteps echo through the empty halls. Hinata made my way up each storey. He finally made it to were he was at the door to the roof. He flung them open. Cold air hit him lightly as a welcoming. He walked to the edge. Hinata then removed his sweater and put down Tsukishima's stuff. He climbed onto the railing. He started walking along the rail. He saw many people over the town under him ,but no one saw him. Them he made eye contact with one person. Hinata's eyes grow big. Hinata was looking deep into Ennoshita's eyes. Ennoshita began to rush to the school as he saw the mini version of the sun walking on the edge.

Ennoshita pulled out his phone and called Daichi. "Hello...?" Daichi answer in a groggy voice. "H-Hinata! I was walking around the town and I saw and still see Hinata on the school roof. HE WAS AND STILL IS WALKING ON THE RAILS!.." Ennoshita heard a crash on the other side of the phone. "Okay hurry to the school and get him. I'll be there soon." Ennoshita hung up and began to run faster then he ever has to the school. He opened the broken door ,rushed through the quite and empty halls ,and rush out onto the roof. Hinata was now facing Ennoshita and began to fall back. Ennoshita ran and grabbed onto Hinata's waist pulling right on top of him. Ennoshita hit the ground with a thump.

Hinata hugged onto Ennoshita. (For the few people who are into rare ships here you go. 😉) "Hinata I thought I lost you..!" Ennoshita made the small hug into a tight embrace. Hinata began to cry. "I'm so so so so sorry Ennoshita. I really am trying I really am ,and this is what I do. AND I STILL FAILED. Who am I kidding I really am a failure!" Hinata cried really hard. Ennoshita was now tearing up.

(I don't like this drawing to much but whatever)

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(I don't like this drawing to much but whatever)

Hinata kept crying as Ennoshita just comforted him. Daichi soon rushed out to the roof. "Oh my god you got him!" Daichi had tears rushing down his face. Daichi broke down into tears. Ennoshita loosened his grip and saw bandages wrapped around Hinata's wrists. He pulled a loose bandage a little and saw blood at the base of it. "Hinata no..." Hinata looked up at me and chuckled sheepishly before stuttering. "W-what do you mean..?" Ennoshita just kept his mouth shut and just hugged Hinata.

QUICK NOTE! This is still a TsukiHina so don't worry.
I am low-key having a brain storm during my online school and I keep missing what the teach says. 😓

537 Words

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