Chapter 17

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Maxxie's POV:
I walked up to the counter to see no one. I walked into the staff room. No one. I then walked into the kitchen to see the baker(Ms Kady) stressing out right next to a numb lifeless body. I took a better look and saw it was the one and only Hinata Shoyo. My eyes widened as I saw a stream of blood coming from his mouth. "What happened?!" She kept stumbling over her words. I went over sitting up the lifeless body. I felt something out of place. I pushed on it. Then Shoyo sat up in a state of shock. He was grasping for air and coughing. Shoyo then looked into my eyes. His was blood shot. "What happened to you Shoyo!?" I asked as he was visible scared. "That police officer.... He.." Shoyo was at a loss for words. He couldn't find the words to say. I just let his tears fall to the ground. Showing that he was physically and mentally hurt. He quickly stood up, stumbling a little. "Can I just go home..." He looked at the floor as he asked. "Of course Shoyo. Just make sure you see a doctor." He nodded and went to change.

Hinata's POV
I walked home alone. The other were there. I just walked to my room leaving them all confused. I sat on my bed as I held my knees to my chest. 'Knock Knock' "Come in.." I said in a shaky voice. I the door slowly creaked open revealing Tsukishima. "Hey Hinata are you okay you looked sick while walking over here.." He walked into the room closing the door behind him. "No I'm not okay.. I'm just a bad luck charm to everyone.." I tightened my grip around my legs as tears grew in the corners of my eyes. I then felt a hand on my leg. I looked up as my glass tears shattered. They rolled down my face like a river on a mountain. Tsukishima lifted my chin. I saw he had tears in his eyes.

 "Listen to me.. You are not a bad luck charm. You are the bright sun ,and sometimes the sun needs to hide away behind the clouds. The last few days my have been the rain and clouds but tomorrow we will see a rainbow!" The tears were now slowly rolling down Tsukishima's face. "I... Thank you Kei" As those words escaped my mouth I pulled him down into a deep kiss. He kissed back as he got comfortable. We were there for two minutes straight. I slowly pulled away as his hand rested in my thigh. I gave Tsukishima a warm smile as I straightened up.  He sat next to me on my bed as we just rested. I ended up falling asleep on his lap after a few minutes. After what Tsukishima had told me everything change in my mind. 

Tsukishima's POV
After s few minutes Hinata fell asleep. I set him up in his bed and went out to the living room. Nishinoya was holding onto Natsu and Tanaka holding onto Noya. I slowly took Natsu out of Noya's grasp. I took her to her room and set her up in a comforted way. I then went to the back yard. We were going to make Noya's house in the back yard. I drew out the area where the house would be. I stopped after a while. I just went to the living room and watched a movie. I was to bored to do anything else. After about half of the movie in I hear a door open from down the hall. I creaked open then slammed shut. Hinata stumbled out of the hall way. he was grasping at his neck and saying ,"I cant breathe.......!" I ran up to him and hugged him really hard I felt a pop in his back. Hinata took and a deep breath as he coughed.  He hugged me back as he slowly fell to the floor. I scooped him up in my arms and brought him back to his room. I placed Hinata down. after I placed him down I laid down next to him and cuddled up to him. We both fell asleep short after. After I fell asleep I was stuck with my thoughts. There was one that stuck out from the rest. 'What happened to Hinata after we left the café?'

Hey everyone! I finally came out with the next chapter. I'm sorry it wasn't posed earlier. Basically I was pushing Wattpad aside because I have to read and write stories on a tablet. I would always get bad craps in my hands while writing each chapter. But for this special day I got a Lap Top. So now when writing I won't get craps and I will have more of a chance that I would write the chapters. Anyway I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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