Chapter Four

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(This whole chapter will be from Hinata's POV)

I looked down and sighed ,"Okay well.... When I was born I was pushed away by my dad. My mom and I was abused even is I was just a month old. He would just yell at me but... When I turned three he starved and hit me.... He would bring me to the basement and make me take off my clouthes to whip me with a leather belt. He would hit me for hours non stop.. When I started school I was bullied... they would hit and yell at me.. When I came home crying for the fifth time he told me he'd help make the pain go away so I got excited... He started with giving me small pecks on the lips.... Then make out sessions.. at first I felt like it helped..! I thought it was helping... I would get home go to the basement and he would be there waiting for me... When I felt like the problem stopped he would still make me go down to the basement... He would tie my hands so I couldn't do anything... He would put me on his lap... then he would remove my clouthes and rape me... He started up with the yelling and abuse after that. He would do all of these things but it wasn't just him. My mom would drink all day to kill the pain. She would try to protect me when I was five and younger. But after that she says I was useless and she shouldn't have wasted her time on me and would make me take pills. She told me that the pain was normal and that the pills would make the pain go away. They made me feel happier... one time I took to many and got high off the pills I ended up drinking one of my dad's beers.. with both of these forces against me I fell into depression. It all came to an end when my mom got pregnant with Natsu...

Natsu was my lucky charm...! My dad left so a lot of that weight from my shoulders were lifted..... My mom was powerless so she left after she was discharged from the hospital... I was left with a baby all on my own... I got a secret job.. I would sell my body to people..... People would pay thousands that is if they didn't have limits... I didn't put limits knowing that I wouldn't be able to give Natsu the life I never had. I was already used to paying the bills because I was the one paying them.. even if I didn't get the money for them... This ended when I was old enough to get a real job... When I turned eleven I got my current jobs. I work at the grocery store and I have a part time job at the the corner store next to the school... When I turned twelve I had to move here.. this place was the cheapest on the market so I bought this one... I bought everything for Natsu.... I've told her before that I would get a better house but..... You came along at *sniff* *sniff* You real are a help.....

I thought that Kageayama was help but then he showed his true colors.... He was just like my dad.... He made me feel safe just so he could touch me.... He was abusive, he raped me, he yelled, he screamed..... He would tell me 'If you don't do what I say then I'll hurt Natsu'.... As I was her parental figure that scared me half to death.. I would let him touch me till I found out he was cheating... He was kissing a girl in the park when I finally said something he just hit me... it turned into a full beating... He was going to touch Natsu that's when I snapped.."

《《《《《《《《《FLASH BACK START》》》》》》》》》》》》

"GET AWAY FROM HER KAGEAYAMA TOBIO!!" I snapped.. "OR WHAT?!!" He yelled taunting me at the same time. I punched him and pushed him to the ground. Then proceeded to kick him. Right when he got the chance he stood up and ran out of the house. "FUCK YOU KAGEAYAMA TOBIO!!" I looked over to see Natsu crying. I ran over to her pulling her into a hug. "Shh... Shh... Shh..... It's ok he's gone now.. He won't ever come back." She sniffed and looked up at me ,"P-promise?" Holds out pink so he can make a pinky promise. I pull away and smile as I lock my pinky to hers,"Promise!" She smiles and starts to cry again. I pull her back into a hug .

》》》》》》》》FLASH BACK ENDS《《《《《《《《

I was crying as I explained. I couldn't take it anymore I broke down into tears. I felt warmth wrap around me and pull me into a hug. I sobbed into Tsukishima's chest as he rubbed small circles on my back. I felt as he put me on his lap. I just continue to cry into his chest. He started to bounce his leg a little. And humm a quiet melody. It was so soothing. I calmed down. I felt loved I felt natural happy. I felt a small body get pulled next to me. I opened my eyes a little to see Natsu cuddling with us. I fell asleep after a minute. But right before I fell asleep I felt a small kiss on my forehead from a salty dino lover.

I rushed to write this. It took way less time then the other parts. I'm sorry if this was bad but I made myself cry. 😢😭

949 words

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