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"Young & Married" is my second work of NamJin fanfiction after "A Wish Remembered" and I wrote this story for everyone who needs NamJin to continue their life. The story of "Young and Married" inspired from Japanese drama I watched long time ago: 11 Nin mo Iru! It's funny and hilarious. Me personally recommend you all to watch this drama comedy, it's just 9 episodes. The plot and storyline of my NamJin version will quite different. Because the original one, way more comedic but mine will be moar drama. Okay, less drama if I compared it to "A Wish Remembered" hahaa. So, subscribe, if you are curious and please vote and leave so many comments... ;)



Namjoon just turned 18 not long ago. He was a fine young man every young lady could ask for. Well mannered, smart, he didn't came from poor family yet hardworking. And as bonus, he was tall good looking young man with nice body. Kim Namjoon. Sexy young man with sexy brain who went to the finest High School in Seoul and got a scholarship to continue his education in this certain famous university he wanted to attend since he was younger.

Namjoon was never falling in love before. Girl or guy -but he was sure he wasn't gay- not even once he ever experience this luxury what so called romantic relationship through his 18 years of life. He was too focused on studying and working part time he had no time to think about any other unnecesary affair.

Namjoon was too focused only on studying and working part time. Until that day...

He's got a pink ring and dark seaweed colour in his hair. Not into fashion but Namjoon loves the clothes he wears.

This person quietly sat alone near the window inside the cafetaria in the gas station area Namjoon had been working. The chill autumn breeze messed his dark seaweed colour hair and he automatically tightened his pale pink thick jacket. His cheeks puffed cutely as he munching his meals. This person who has pretty eyes and pretty face, with no excuse had stolen Namjoon's heart with all of his concern as this beauty, all of a sudden became the center of Namjoon's whole universe. Namjoon met so many pretty girls, but this certain person was different. This person way prettier than prettiest girl Namjoon had ever met. His appearance itself sent this warm magical vibes towards Namjoon. Namjoon was so charmed just by staring at him.

He's just a loner with a sexy attitude.


Someone with brown hair smacked Namjoon's head.

"Hoseokie..." Namjoon hissed.

"Call me hyung." The one been called Hoseok clicked his tongue.

"We were born in the same year." Namjoon still got his eyes glued on this certain person who sat on the opposite side of him.

"Whatever. I'm your senior here." Hoseok followed the gaze and he shook his head as he found what was Namjoon so intensly staring. "Geez. Wasn't surprised anymore. Seokjin hyung was a flower himself."

Namjoon knew from that person's name tag. His name is Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. But that was the only thing he knew.

"I didn't see him since the first day I joined to work here, for about four days. Is he new?"

"He was here long before me. Almost two years I guess. But for last four days he needed to attend full day cooking course from morning until night. He usually went once a week in Monday. He asked me to switch shift schedule with him and I'm okay with that."


"Ohh what?"

"No. Nothing..." But Namjoon couldn't turn his gaze from this person.

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