Spring Day

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I miss you
When I say that
I miss you more
I'm looking at your photo
But I still miss you

One of enchanthing days were the days when sakura blooming. Nothing more exciting than the day when the winter end, and the spring had begin. Nothing more lovely than enjoying those kind of happiness with someone we love. But Namjoon was alone. He was there alone tried to enjoy Sunday morning in his dorm balcony. Quietly and gloomy sipped his instan coffee while staring the beautiful sakura blooming around his dorm.

He was unconsciously took his cellphone out from his pajamas pocket and took a picture. He took a nice shoot of sakura blooming and typed some words, ready to send it for someone. But when he was ready to send it, he realized and delete it. And that kind of unconsciousness happened every single times, everyday. He forgot that he should forget. It's hard for him. It's hard to forget when the memories kept on repeating.

"I'm sorry for making you went outside in this cold weather." Namjoon said in front of Seokjin's apartment door.

"So, this really is goodbye?" Seokjin slowly took off the scarf Namjoon put on him earlier in the playground park but Namjoon silently said with his gesture it's okay for Seokjin to keep it. "Well... Namjoon..."

Namjoon waited. He wished for Seokjin to say something that will make him stay.

"Good luck..." Seokjin smiled while looking at him. "Good luck to you, and happiness moving forward."

Sure. Namjoon knew Seokjin would say those kind of words. Like usually Seokjin did. Namjoon knew this would happened. He sighed and pulled Seokjin closer. He cupped the older's face and kissed the pretty guy's forehead. He needed to linger.

"Someday when we accidentally meet again, I want to find you happy and healthy. Thanks for wishing me luck." Namjoon whispered.

That was the last words Namjoon could say before leaving. A light peck on Seokjin's plump lips and he turned. Went away. He wished Seokjin would shout at him. Asked him to stay. What a ridiculous thought. An empty hope.

His steps looked so light and he walked like he used to. He looked like a fine young man from behind. Brave and eager. He looked strong and unbeatable from behind, Seokjin didn't know he cried. He fast-stepped his pace to reach his car parked near Seokjin's apartment. He wanted to leave and forget. He didn't even bother to look back.

Time is so cruel

I hate us
Now it's hard
To even see each other's faces
It's only winter here
Even in April, winter is here

Namjoon startled when someone tapped his shoulder.

"Ahh Nakayama kun?"

"I called you but you didn't hear me. Are you coming with us for lunch later? I'm going to meet Hagiya and Chinen first and then join the other around lunch time."

This guy named Nakayama Yuma was Namjoon's roommate. Nakayama and Namjoon studied in the same department along with those friends mentioned before. Hagiya Keigo and Chinen Yuri. Well, Namjoon could afford another apartment and live alone but he wanted to make friends he decided to live in the university dorm. Namjoon spent his time with his new friends quite often. They were nice and though whenever they hangout together people thought Namjoon was the uncle he don't care. More over Hagiya and his high school friend named Tanaka Juri were into hiphop and active in a crew named HipHopJUMP. Namjoon get along well with them.

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