Let Me Know

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Yoongi yawned as he left the hospital administration desk. He was in the hospital for about two days since Jimin, his boyfriend was hospitalized due to some allergic but the guy was okay now and ready to leave the hospital soon. He wanted to buy breakfast in the cafetaria before go back to Jimin's room so he walking through the hospital clinics to get a shortcut. He lazily checked his cellphone screen to see the time, it was 9.11AM that's why his stomach grumbled asking for food. He wanted some sandwich or omelette, his boyfriend already ate the hospital diet but the younger asked for some sandwich as well so he wouldn't mind to walk a little far.

He was about to turn left heading into the cafetaria when he saw a person he knew walked out from a clinic near where he was standing. A person he haven't see for about three months, less or more he couldn't remember but he was sure the last time he met the person was in the night when he had rap battle performance. That person was wearing a large white shirt with a large grey cardigan. A bit pale than usual but still awesomely pretty.

"Jin?" He mumbled. "Seokjinie!!" He half shouted.

The person had stopped walking by reflex and turned his attention. "Yoongi?"

Yoongi showed his gummy smile and approached the pretty guy he knew. "It's you. Hey! What are you do—" He couldn't finish his sentence because a nurse suddenly came and calling Seokjin's name.

"Kim Seokjin ssi, you forgot your pregnancy journal. Here..." The nurse handed Seokjin a kind of journal book. "Don't forget to come again for monthly check up."

Seokjin received it and smiled. "Thank you."

Yoongi just stayed there dumbfounded, tried to understand the situation. Seokjin looked a bit like gained weight. And what book? Who's pregnant? He glanced to the sign clinic board above him and raised his left eyebrow. Obstetrics and gynecology? He took one step closer he wanted to prove what's on his mind. He felt something was wrong and moved his hand to touch Seokjin's stomach. And by the moment his bare hand touched it and there was a bulge, he froze.


There a moment later, Yoongi and Seokjin sat in one of cozy couch in the corner of hospital cafetaria already with breakfast in their table. Omelette and sausages with a glass of hot americano for Yoongi, and sandwich with bacon plus a glass of warm mint tea for Seokjin. The pretty guy agreed to join a breakfast with his cousin since there was quite enough time for him to spend before going to work.

Yoongi looked so conflicted he had so many question on his mind, yet Seokjin ate his breakfast with joy. Bright and happily like he usually did. It's eating anyway. He loves it.

Yoongi couldn't help to staring half glaring at his cousin, demand an explanation.

"Don't tell me it's Namjoon's..."

Seokjin continued to chew the meals and finish his breakfast before he answered. "Don't tell Namjoon." And casually ordered an extra bacon and omelette. "Don't tell him..."

"Are you freaking in your right mind?" Yoongi didn't know why but he felt his blood boiled. "You." He rubbeb his face harshly. "So, he went to Japan without knowing that you were pregnant?"

"He didn't..." Seokjin shook his head with a glint of smile which annoyed Yoongi and squeaked when the extra meals he ordered had been put on the table.

"Jin, look how big your stomach right now."

"I know..."

"I know?! What you meant with I know?!" Yoongi unconsciously slammed the table and stood up, made the eyes of people around were pierced on him. He bowed for apology and took a deep breath to calm himself. The look of Seokjin who knitted his eyebrows like he wasn't in a such situation didn't help at all. He wanted to slap his beloved pretty cousin to make him much more sober but he have no heart to do so. "Jin, let him know."

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