First Love

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Namjoon groaned as he walked towards the cafe his friend told him to meet. He had no school in Saturday, so before 6PM or after 10PM he could do whatever he likes. But not to wake up early. He entered the cafe and looked around before he found a pale young man sat on the chair in the corner of the room.

"It's bloody 9AM." Namjoon clicked his tongue and sat down on the chair beside the pale young man. "Where is Hoseok?"

"There." The pale young man answered as his eyes moved and pointed the entrance door. "Just arrived."

Hoseok walked faster to approach his two fellow. Both of them looked unimpressed. "Guys, why long faces? I'm not late yo."

"Not late but this is too early." Namjoon protested. "We could meet later this night after I'm done my part time job."

"Come on. Let's be more productive in the morning." Hoseok suggested with his bright smile. Bright enough to annoy his friends. "Right, Yoongi?" He moved closer to the pale young man and gave him a hug.

"Whatever. I'm going to order before anything." The pale young man gave a sign to the waitress not far from them but she was bussy with another customers.

Another waiter appeared.

"Good morning." The waiter offered the three young men his beautiful smile.

"Jin hyung?" Namjoon somehow a bit surprised.

"Hi." Seokjin smiled and handed Namjoon the menu. Seokjin looked gorgeous with white apron on him. "We have the most delicious caramel pancake, you should try."

"Well..." Namjoon thinked over what he wanted to eat. Seokjin recommended the caramel pancake he doesn't really like but, "I would love to have some caramel pancakes and bacon, and apple juice."

"I am as usual, hyung..." Hoseok said and made Namjoon knitted his eyebrows.

"Sandwich and sausages. And a cup of americano. A hot one." Yoongi ordered.

"I know, Yoongi." Seokjin rolled his eyes. "Okay, please wait a minute."

Seokjin left and Namjoon couldn't held his curiousity.

The cafe itself had classic theme with vintage and retro style. It's quite cozy and homey. With tempting menu and interesting accoustic performance at night. Though Namjoon was born to be swag and hiphop, he had no reason to not like it. More over when he knew Seokjin worked there. He hated he didn't know earlier.

"Are you guys visit this cafe often?"

"Me? everytime when I have spare time." Hoseok answered. "Or for breakfast... The meals here are not expensive yet awesomely delicious. That's why I visit quite often."

"And you didn't tell me that Jin hyung works here."

"Why would I? Ohh, sure. You got your eyes on him. I forgot." Hoseok laughed.

"He what?" Yoongi asked to Hoseok.

And Hoseok answered with a grin. "Your fellow is falling in love with your cousin."

Namjoon got his eyes widened. "Wait. What? Seokjin hyung is Yoongi's cousin?" He couldn't belive what he had heard. "Seriously..."

Yoongi sneered. "Look who's talking here. Someone once said he don't give a damn with something so called love and romantic shit. And he is now has his eyes on my cousin?"

"I told you guys I'm not..." Namjoon tried to defend his self-conception.

"I don't mind." Yoongi yawned. "Go date my cousin. Just, make sure he is not with his boyfriend anymore."

Young & Married - NamJin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now