House of Cards

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Seokjin could sense the worriedness since Namjoon got a phonecall from his father. The younger was so quiet even when they had their breakfast and it had automatically woken up his awareness. "Shall I prepare something for your parents? Pudding or cake maybe? It won't take too long. We could be ready in time." Seokjin tried to appear calm, though he wasn't. "What would your mom and dad prefer?"

Namjoon stayed quiet for a moment, thinking about what would happen. Would they be okay? Pudding nor cake won't help much when he have to deal with his father. He came back to Korea without telling his parents, so how come they even know about Seokjin and wanted to see the pretty guy. "Umn, cake?" Namjoon answered. "But, can you please make some pudding as well? For me?" He added nervously.

"Sure." Seokjin smiled. "But you have to help me."

"How?" Namjoon knitted his eyebrows. Seokjin was never let him touch anything in the kitchen after he broke two mugs into pieces and almost cut his fingers when the older asked him to chop some onion.

"Smile a bit." Seokjin pinched Namjoon's cheeks and pulled it lightly. "You are so gloomy made me feel anxious. I like naughty Namjoon better than the quiet one."

Namjoon chuckled by the action. "I love you." He gave Seokjin a peck.

"I know." Seokjin rubbed Namjoon's temples to soothe the nerves. "This smiling face is better than a long face. Now, get away and do whatever you like to killing time while I prepare the cake and pudding, okay?"

Seokjin moved away heading into the kitchen but Namjoon followed behind, monitoring. And when the pretty guy was ready with a mixer on his hand, Namjoon hugged him. "Yah! What are you doing?"

Namjoon had his chin on Seokjin's shoulder with both hands studying the older's stomach in awe. "You said do whatever I like. I like to hug you... And we better spend Sunday like this, you know..."

Seokjin sighed but he let the man to pour him the affection, because he knew Namjoon needed it. Namjoon needed the comfort from Seokjin to make him feeling calm.

After some struggle as he carrying two babies, finally the cake was ready within an hour and they will have the pudding to enjoy later in the afternoon after the visit.

They went down to leave the apartment building and when they reached the street someone around their age, a good looking young man greeted Namjoon with respect while open the door car for them.

Seokjin seemed confuse and asking the young man with his expression.

"I will explain." Namjoon helped Seokjin to sit and took care the seatbelt as well. He then asked the man who drove them, about the sudden visit. "How come my father knows I'm in Seoul, Minseok hyung? You didn't tell him right?"

"Mr. Kim gave me the address to pick you and Seokjin ssi. I don't even know why he could find out."

Seokjin was surprised. How come he won't be surprise when they have been picked up with a car and also a driver. More over with what they were talking about. "Namjoon, are we okay?"

"Sure we are." Namjoon smiled.

"But your parents are not okay with us, right?"

Namjoon clamped his mouth. "Everything is okay, love." He answered and pulled Seokjin closer to kiss the pretty guy's crownhead.

Seokjin felt better as Namjoon talking about the university, the dorm mate, and HipHopJUMP along the way, but the nervousness raised up again the moment the car entered the gate of a huge building. It wasn't a house. Not a common one. It was a mansion with large yard. "Namjoon?"

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