
414 37 7

Warning!! implied rape


Seokjin took a glance to the clock on his small living room's wall for the countless times since he finished to set the table for his not so called dinner. It's already 10.40PM and the person he was waiting still had no sign to appear. He didn't turn his pretty beads from staring the clicking round of the clock. Counted a second after second, hoping another minute won't come so it won't change the time. He hated past. He hated everything about it.

And he hated being alone. He hates it.

But the clock didn't care about his past. The clock hanging on his wall kept making tic toc sound. Mocked his existence. Mocked his future.

Seokjin smiled bitterly as his eyes felt hot and watery. A couple of tears were shamelessly fell down. He missed home. More over at times like this. He miserably missed home. Yet, he didn't have any good reason to come back. He left home when he was 16 to live with his grandma of his mother and when he was 18 he began to live alone.

He rented a small room of a cheap old apartment because he had not much money. The apartment was so old, even the door still using an old key, not with password like the other modern apartment. However he was thankful for a small room with small living room plus kitchen and a bathroom inside. Though the whole apartment building looked poor and shabby but his room was neat and clean. And smell good like him.

Seokjin rolled up his grey sweater sleeves and sighed. He was about to give up of waiting when the clock reach 11PM but then he heard a knock on his front door. He stood up from the warm creamy coloured carpet he was sitting for over an hour and walked towards the door. He got a charming dimple smile he had never seen his whole life the moment the door opened.

"Hi, hyung..." Namjoon greeted happily but then he noticed Seokjin's beads a bit red and watery. "Did you cry? Are you okay?"

Another sigh came from Seokjin. "I feel asleep." Seokjin lied. "I thought you wouldn't come." He opened the door wider. "Come in, Namjoon..."

Namjoon grinned. "I'm sorry for coming late. I wanted to tell you I will be late but my cellphone ran out of battery. I stopped by to bought you this." He took off his coat and handed Seokjin a box of cake. "Hoseok said that you like caramel cake. Thanks God there was 24hours coffee shop that sell this, and there was only a piece left. Just for you."

The matter wasn't actually about the cake. It was the google map. Namjoon almost freezed outside.

"Whoaaa. So kind of you. Thank you." Seokjin smiled. "Have a seat. Ugh I mean comfort yourself there." Seokjin pointed the table with warm carpet below when Namjoon looked around, seemed to find something like couch. "I'll be back with delicious meals I was talking about."

"Sure." Namjoon answered and sat down near to the book shelves table.

Namjoon observed his surroundings. Seokjin's apartment was quite cozy. It was small yet grace and pretty with smoke pink wallpaper. Not much furniture around just a multifunction table, a book shelves table, and a mini refrigerator. Bedroom on the right side of the main door, and the kitchen and bathroom on the opposite side.

On top of the book shelves table there were some Mario figurines, first aid kit box, and a photo frame that flipped over behind a thick book. Namjoon could reach it without shifted from his sitting spot. He took the photo frame and found Seokjin on it. Sure. But who's the other man Seokjin clung his arms around the man's neck with happy smile plastered on his pretty face? They looked happy together, but the man doesn't look like the one Namjoon ever saw who picked Seokjin up from their working place. If this person on the photo frame was Seokjin's boyfriend, who's the person Namjoon saw?

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