|| The Astonishing Test...

411 27 53

Author's pov~


Pure silence.

No one spoke a word.

" Uh... is everything okay?" Roxa asked.

Yet, no one uttered a single word.

Eunice got the idea of their silence and chuckled.

"Let me guess, you'll think that our weapons are.......umm..... deadly?" She asked.

The young agents nodded.

" Oh! then you'll gotta put that thought aside cause the weapons can get deadlier as the stages change." Eunice Stated.


Agent Geetha's tab buzzed.

"Umm...Oh look! your biodata and rest information is her- *gasp*" Agent Geetha Gasped.

"What's the matter, Agent Geetha?" Agent Karya asked.

"I- I can't believe it... Young Agents, are you sure that this data is honest and true?" Agent Geetha asked the 6 new Agents with a bewildered face.

"Our parents have taught us that never be selfish, never be self-praising, and never lie about yourself. So, therefore, all the information you have received is true!" All six of them said in unison.

"But this... I don't know what to say..." Agent Geetha said glancing at the other mentors.

Agent Karya walked towards her and took the tab from her, while the others stood in confusion.

Agent Karya scrolled through the info and his normal face turned to a rather shocked one.

"What happened Agent Karya?" Ali asked.

Agent Karya snapped out of his trance and sighed.

" Everyone, towards the training deck, and take your new colleagues with you'll" He said.

" Okay!" 

"Come on! let us take you to our training deck!!" Moon said and grabbed Roxa and Eunice's hands, leading them to the training deck as the others followed them.

" Hey Nathanael, what was so shocking in your biodata that shocked Agent Geetha and Agent Karya so much?" Jet asked.

" Hmm... I guess we are thinking the same. As far as my knowledge, it was a normal biodata! right, Zan?" Nathanael replied.

"Yep! it is pretty normal!!" Zathan stated. 

" It's normal for us Zan, not for them." Anna claimed.

"Eh? what do you mean?" Khai asked.

" To be honest, our biodata is something beyond a person's imagination." Adrian answered.

"Beyond a person's imagination, What do you exactly mean?" Roza asked.

"It's a looonnnggg explanation, let's keep it for another day." Eunice said.

" We have arrived!!" Moon chimed.

" Wow!! The Training deck is cool!!" Roxa exclaimed looking around.

"Yes! Oh! and as this is your first day!! SELFIE TIME!!!" Jet said pulling out his phone.

" Say cheese!!!"



" Well, that's a good source of memorial!!" Zathan said wrapping an arm around Jet's neck.

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