|| Situations and vice-versa!

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Author's pov~

The Next day~

In front of M.A.T.A. Academy~

Our heroes of the earth are now standing in front of the huge academy with their jaws touching the ground.

" A place like this... exists?" Gopal choked out.

" Yes it does, and since years. So now stop wasting time and get inside," Alicia said blankly and walked ahead with Chris and Iman.

" Wait!" Fang stopped.

The 3 agents turned around in confusion.

" We can't go in yet," Fang declared.

" And why is that?" Chris asked with folded hands.

" As both our organizations are doing this joint mission, we can't take any next decisions until our mediator arrives on earth," Ying said.

" Mediator?" Iman muttered.

" So another alien huh?" Said Rudy while approaching them.

He then looked at the other 3 agents and said,

" Agent Karya sent me, the mentors, General, and the Pillar leaders are waiting,"

" If that's so then we can't keep them waiting!" Chris said.

" We understand but even we are under strict order of our Admiral!" Yaya claimed.

" You'll can at least come in-" Iman was cut off when the wind outside the security dome of M.A.T.A. Academy started picking up pace.

A robotic voice then echoed around.

"Attention. Intruder detected in the area. Attention." 


Soon all the agents inside came out in a hurry with their weapons.

"Agent Geetha! what happened?" Alicia asked.

" Our radars have detected an anonymous sky traveler coming in our direction!" Agent Geetha claimed.

" Sky traveler? It can be a spaceship from Laskar station!" Ochobot guessed.

" You mean the mediator is here?" Boboiboy questioned.

Soon, the wind turned into a sand storm. 

The agents held up their weapons and were ready to attack any danger.

Until the sand storm calmed down, standing there was a spaceship with its entrance open.

Until the sand storm calmed down, standing there was a spaceship with its entrance open

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From the entrance, walked an elegant girl.

From the entrance, walked an elegant girl

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