|| Epiphany... part-2

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Author's pov~

At M.A.T.A. Academy~

Roxa had returned to the academy and told everyone about the research they made.

Not only the other young agents and mentors but also General and Agent Ganz were present there.

In holograms... of course.

{A/n: I got the picture of the new renovated control room!!}

{A/n: I got the picture of the new renovated control room!!}

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Well, back to the situation.

Roxa's word's seemed shocking and out of the world.

But unfortunately, or fortunately, the information is true.

" Unbelievable!" Agent Ganz claimed.

" No matter how much you don't believe it, it's still the truth." Roxa said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But Agent Roxa, we asked for proof. Not for any Information." Agent Leon said.

Roxa tensed up.

" I-i know sir, but to understand the proof, it was necessary to explain this information." She said.

" But you haven't done what you had said!!" General yelled and scolded her.

Roxa tried to protest.

" But General-"

" Who said we don't have any proof general!" 

BOOM! Here came the Golden hairs!

" We have accurate proof, sir!" Auriana said walking ahead while raising her hand, showing a black chip in her hands.

"This chip right here contains a video recording of the time when those 5 were fighting some opponent." She claimed and handed the chip to Agent Geetha.

Agent Geetha proceeded to play the recording as Agent Ganz said,

" If this doesn't show any satisfactory proof, you will be punished to waste the precious time of your seniors!" 

" Sure, I'll accept any punishment, 'if' this proof seems false." Auriana said blankly.

" Starting the recording in 3... 2... 1..." 

A screen popped up.

But what was displayed there, shook everyone!

There, the 5 heroes, along with two others, were fighting against a big bulky red alien.

" That red alien is Captain Vargoba. He was one of the most feared Power Sphera Hunter in the world outside Earth." Auriana claimed.

Adrian immediately went to his sister's side and whispered in her ears, making her face him.

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