|| The ZC Parcel...

348 19 49

Author's pov~


M.A.T.A. Academy~

It was mid-afternoon. 

And you know what it calls for?


All the young Agents attended their classes and now were having lunch in the cafeteria.

Everyone was either chit-chatting or eating silently.

But our 6 new Agents were sitting at the end of the table, eating and busy doing something on their tabs.

"*sigh* AD............." Zathan whisper-whined.


" When are we getting Mobi and Alfie back from the animal shelter?" Zathan asked.

"Hm... we will think about it later." Adrian replied simply.

" Later?!?! are you serious?!?! our dear cute little adorable puppies must be sulking in the corner due to loneliness..." Roxa whispered as her own face looked sad but adorable.

" Ro, it's Mobi and Alfie we are talking about. There are many dogs at the animal shelter, they all must be friends by now. And before you protest me, I will call Mom and ask if she can pick the two while way back home." Anna whispered.

A huge grin plastered on Roxa's face.

After a few minutes, Moon sneaked beside Eunice and peeked in her tab.

" You know, Lunchtime is not only to eat but also to interact with your friends!" Moon said munching on an apple.

The 6 flinched slightly at this.

"Uhh... we know, it's just that this work is important." Eunice replied.

"But what exactly are you guys doing?" Khai asked.

"Re-studying the internal structure of our Digilets and weapons." Nathanael answered not looking up from his tab.

"Why?" Bulat asked.

" To find a perfect place to insert our ZC Microchips." Adrian replied.

"ZC Microchips? what are those?" Ali asked.

This caught the attention of the other Agents as the cafeteria fell silent.

" ZC Microchips look similar to Microprocessor chips. ZC stands for 'Zenith Control'." Zathan claimed.

"Oh! But why do you need those?" Chris asked.

" So that the Zenith stage of ours stays safe for at least our colleagues and other good people." Roxa claimed.

"What do you mean?" Alicia asked.

" *sigh* Zenith is our most powerful stage. It is so powerful that when we activate it, we aren't the ones to control our systems, our systems control us. And as we all know, systems do what they are command to do, they don't think twice as we humans do, cause they don't have feelings and emotions like us." Anna stated.

" And therefore, when we are in our Zenith stage, we become literal killer machines, machines who are just commanded to finish their enemies."Eunice claimed.

" Take control? it's just like the Override mode!!" Ali exclaimed.

" Override mode?" Zathan asked.

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