|| New City!

409 22 171

One day ago~

At Cyberaya train station~ 

Author's pov~

The station today was way less crowded.

I mean, why won't it be?

The sun is burning everyone out there, who will like to go out at this time?

But still, there were a few passengers who were waiting for their upcoming train.


"Attention Passengers. Please step away from the platform. Train from Pulau Rintis Island to Cyberaya is about to reach in 3 minutes 47 seconds. Thank you."  The announcer said.

Pulau Rintis Island...



Soon, a train came in sight.

The train stopped at the platform and the doors slid open.

Not many passengers walked out, but still, there were at least 30 of them.


"Ack! hey! let me go out first!" A healthy boy screeched.

"No! I'll go first!" Another boy with purple hair and glasses spoke.

"And do you think I am gonna sit still?! I am going first!" Another boy with an orange cap told.

What happened you may ask.

Well... let's zoom out our camera- oh! so that's the problem!

The thing is that... all three of them were stuck in the entrance door of the train.


The three kept bickering each other on who will step out first until...

"Stop fighting!" 


The boys fell face-flat on the ground.

*wince* that must be hurting.

Anyways, back to the entrance door, stood two girls.

One with a pink Hijab and pink outfit.

And the other wore a yellow/blue outfit and tied up her dark cobalt blue colored hair in two pigtails.

....................................And it looks like the girls just kicked out those three boys of the door.

"Owww... what was that for?!" The healthy boy asked.

" You guys were picking up an absolutely stupid fight!" The girl with pigtails said as she walked out.

"She is right! seriously you guys! acting like kids who want candy!" A robotic voice said.


Then from inside the train, emerged a yellow spherical robot with a cat on top of him.

Wait- GREEN CAT!?!?

Uhh... looks like they dyed her green.

But what if it isn't...

Whatever... but this cat is Damn cute!!!!

"Remember boys, we are on a vacation, don't start it with a fight!" the pink Hijab girl said walking out with the robot.

The boys stood straight and apologized.

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