|| Changing Colours... part-2

113 13 17

Author's pov~

"..... Not so good to see you.....
















Raisol Velmountins..."

The blue-haired guy looked at Azazel with a severe expression.

" This is what you give us in return for our favor? Azazel?" he asked.

"Favor? What Favor are you talking about?... Lieutenant Raisol?" Azazel questioned with a fake adorable face.

 Lieutenant Raisol descended from his hoverboard and replied,

" first of all... I am  Lieutenant General now... and to answer your question... we did a favor and spared your life back then..." 

"Haha... haha... AAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Azazel laughed like a crazy man.

"Spared me?!?!  Does that mean you guys were going to kill me?!?!" He exaggerated... the powerful radiations of the Tramboxium surrounded him as he acted like a maniac.

Raisol looked around and took in the gravity of the situation.

Until... his eyes locked with another pair of brightly shining blue orbs.

What he is thinking is correct...

a lot of questions in those eyes...

But that's not it, those eyes, also held disappointment.

Whereas, the others... they had more than a million queries...

'Young kids like them should not be kept curious for a long time... they might give up on their curiosity...' 

Thinking this,  Lieutenant Raisol took hold of his spear from his back and took a fight stance.

Seeing him ready, even Captain Kaizo activated his mask and energy sword.

" So you wanna fight huh?" Vargoba said and cracked his knuckles.

" Hey, kids!" Raisol called out with a determined smirk.

The agents and earth heroes looked at him.

" You want one of them as hostage right? Point at the one you want, I'll get the one for ya'll!" Raisol said confidently.

The youngsters innocently pointed at Cinco and Trez.

" He asked for one and you'll point at two? hmm... Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it..." Captain Kaizo said and launched himself to attack Trez.

Trez crossed his arms to avoid the slash of the sword but was thrown away in the sky and hit their spaceship.

"Hmph! You are nothing near my level..." Kaizo said and looked at Cinco, who was already jaw-dropping.

He didn't harm her... just trapped her in his energy binds.

On the other hand... Azazel, Vargoba, and  Lieutenant Raisol kept staring at each other.

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