|| The Little Wolfies!... pt.1

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Author's pov~


2 days later~

"GOPAL!! hurry up! we are already late!" Said Boboiboy who was waiting at the cafeteria doors impatiently while his best friend was stuffing his mouth with pancakes.

" ISSHH!! You're taking too long... BOBOIBOY THORN! THORNY VINES!" 

And like that, Boboiboy approached the spaceship with Gopal who was tied up in thorny wines, caring out silently.

" You both are always late!" Ying said.

" Yeah! you should take some punctuality lessons from Fang!" Yaya claimed.

Boboiboy and Gopal sweat-dropped as Fang smirked proudly.

" Anyways, let's go before the admiral realizes we haven't left yet!" Said Boboiboy and they all rode their spaceship to the Planet of Shrea.

" We have arrived at Planet Shrea!" Captain Papa declared.

" Alright, guys! we are supposed to get the power sphera before sunset, that's an order from the commander

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" Alright, guys! we are supposed to get the power sphera before sunset, that's an order from the commander." Said Fang.

" Eh? before sunset? Why? It's not like some monster is going to come and eat us! HAHA!" Gopal joked.

" Well... that's exactly what's gonna happen," Fang said and carried a bag full of essentials.

" WHAT?!?!"

"He's right! The current universal news report says that a mysterious monster-like creature is roaming around the planet and harming the visitors in a certain region of the planet where it lives." Ying said while peeping into her tab.

" HUHUHUHUHU!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO CONTINUE THIS MISSION!! CAPTAIN PAPA!! I WANNA STAY HERE WITH YOU!!" Gopal cried, being the dramatic person he is.

" You wanna stay with the protector of Justice................................. GET OUT THERE AND COMPLETE YOUR MISSION!!!" Captain Papa said and kicked Gopal out of the spaceship.

A few hours later~

" Err.... Ying... are you sure this is the place?" Boboiboy asked as he was sweating nervously.

" Hehe... yeah... it's what the location says..." Ying said nervously.

The 5 of them gulped looking at the huge and dark cave in front of them.

Gopal hugged Boboiboy in fear.

" Isn't this also the place where the monster lives, according to the villagers?..." Yaya asked.

"We... should go in..." Fang said nervously and started walking ahead.

The others followed behind him.

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