Chapter 3

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Shiv's POV

It was lunch and i was sitting with 'The Gang' as they like to call themselves. Luke asked me about my food choice and i told them how i was a different world then them. They all accepted me for which i was grateful.

I was relieved when it was time to go home. I rushed out to my car but was stopped by Travis. He and the others were going to the carnival downtown tonight and asked me to join them.

I politely refused because i would be alone all the other guys were going out as couples and i didnt want to be a third wheel. He told me Chris was also single and would be glad to join me.

I turned to face him as if asking if he was okay to accompany me.

He smiled and replied " i would be glad to accompany you Shiv. Be ready by 7 I'll pick you up from your house."

I gave him my address and we all also exchanged numbers so they could contact me.

I quickly got in my car and drove home. I went straight to my room to have a long bath and to complete some assignments that i had missed.

By the time i had completed all my work that took an hour i cooked some biryani for my parents and my younger brother, Sahil.

At 6:30 i got ready i had dark skinny jeans, and a sweatshirt for the weather was freezing.

I had just reached the bottom of the staircase when i heard a car horn. I informed my parents where i would be and rushed out to meet Chris.

He had a mercedes, cool car. He was dressed in dark skinny jeans and a nirvana t-shirt. His brown hair was tousled on his head it looked like he had been running his hands through them quite often.

He opened the passenger door for me as i mumbled a small thanks. He got on the drivers seat and started the engine.

It wasnt long before we reached the carnival. The place was extremely crowded. I spotted my friends and we rushed towards them.

We bought the tickets and went in. The guys made me try all the rides. From roller coasters to the ferris wheel and Chris won me a teddy bear when he shot a few cans. I found that sweet.

It was a bit awkward because i never had a  boyfriend before because my parents believed in arranged marriages and i followed their rules.

By the end of the night i was exhausted we had a lot of fun. Chris had won me 3 more stuffed animals. We said our goodbyes and left for our homes. Chris dropped me off at my place and left after some awkard silences and 'thank yous'.

I got to my room got changed in my pjamas and fell into bed. I was excited to meet Chris tomorrow. I wondered where that came from and thought I'm going crazy, i cant be falling for a guy i just met can i?



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