Chapter 12

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Mihir's Pov

Finally!! Shiv will be mine. I was so pumped for our engagement. She was beautiful, intelligent and respectful. I knew she would become a good daughter-in-law and a wife.

She was against our marriage but because she didn't want to dissapoint her family, she agreed to it. I will agree and say that i could have refused the marriage but after seeing her, i was determined to make her mine.

She was just the perfect girl for me. An angel sent from heaven just for me.

After the engagement i could see Shiv was sad, nervous and drained of energy. I was making my way towards her when i see she sprinted out of the room. I tried calling out her name while chasing her down.

Her family saw this and followed me but were lagging behind. Their daughter ran towards the car and it sped off to wherever Shiv wanted to go.

I knew she'd probably be heading home so i told her parents to stay back while i go behind my fiance. They were reluctant but i convinced them, promising I'll take care of her. I took my car and drove above the speed limit towards my in-laws house.

'No matter what Shiv, you'll always be with me and I'll show you that you can trust me and I'll make sure you love me and I'll make you the happiest woman in the world.' With that thought in mind i reached my destination.


Shiv's POV

I reached home and went straight to my room. I let the tears flow freely and slowly felt the little bit of energy left in me draining.

I got up from my bed and went to my vanity to get rid of my heavy and uncomfortable outfit. The jewellery i was wearing was weighed a tonne. I wonder how women these days can wear such heavy stuff.

I was trying to get my necklace off but it seemed to have gotten stuck or tangled with my blouse. I struggled to remove it but it was all in vain. There was no one in the house except for me.

Suddenly i felt two hands untangling the necklace from my neck. The owner's hands were cold and i shivered a little as they touched my bare neck.

The necklace fell on my palms as i turned to look behind me to see who helped poor old me. Now i wasn't in a million years expecting to see the person who helped me, here, standing right infront of me.

My breath was knocked out of my system and i let out a gasp as i stumbled backwards.

How dare he show up here after all this just happened? Had he no shame nor manners at all?

This was too much for me to handle in just one day and my brain and eyes agreed with me as they were shutting on their own accord.

I tripped on my ghagra but two hands wrapped around my waist and prevented me from falling and probably getting a concussion.

I tried to open my mouth and question the man infront of me but before i could talk the door to my room opened........


Hey guys sorry for the late updates. I had exams but now i have a two week break so i can probably upload regularly.

Btw can anyone guess who the mystery man with Shiv is???



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Two Different WorldsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora