Chapter 19

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Shiv's POV

It's been a week since the announcement, made by none other than Mihir and I've been followed continously by the paparazzi. They've been following me like lost puppies, trying to gather any little information that they could land their eyes and ears on and feed it to their viewers to get higher profits than that of their rivals.

"Mihir Sanghani's new girl?"
"Mihir getting engaged to a common middle-class girl?"
These were some of the many headlines that i saw on various magazines and newspapers, all wondering about Mihir's new love interest.

It was difficult for me and my family to go out without having the paps following us. I was annoyed and frustrated with Mihir for announcing our engagement publicly without letting us commoners, who've never been in the spotlight, being flocked and showered in the limelight.

I'll agree the attention that i got for the first few days was amazing and i was soaking it all in but after 2 days, i felt annoyed by the mere presence of the reporters around me. I really wonder how celebrities go through this every single day.

Although Mihir was being the 'perfect son-in-law' according to my parents that is, and so hired bodyguards for us all to ensure we were safe at all times and did not feel too congested with the sudden paparazzi frenzy.

That surely was a kind gesture from his side and that made me feel a little bit of emotion towards him, although I'll never admit that to him, his ego is already huge and i dont wanna inflate it anymore.

Anyhow, life in uni was amazing as i had fun with my friends and everyone was very friendly to me. I can proudly say i had gained popularity there but i always ensured it never got to my head. Chris on the other hand seemed to be getting more and more distant with me.

I was getting frustrated, yet worried with his strange behaviour. He did hang around with us all during our free time, but rarely talked to me. I think our friends noticed that and there were times i caught Chris staring intently at me but he would avert his eyes as quick as i caught him.

There were even days when he would go missing for a week or so and when Travis asked him about his absence, he always either shrugged it off or he would snap at him and bolt out of uni without informing any of us.

To be honest, his ignorant behavior with me and our friends, made me feel guilty and sad, since he used to be okay with all his friends before i came in the picture and somehow they all must be blaming me for his weird behavior, even if they dont express it in their words.

This lasted two long weeks, TWO!! And my patience had run thin and i decided to find out the reason behind his strange antics and promised to get to the core of the problem and to know what had happened to him.


"Hey love!! How are ya? What you doing today? Are you free? Will you go on a date with me? I understand if you don't want to but I'd appreciate it if you would" Mihir had been rambling and asking me questions without allowing me to answer them at all.

"Hey Mihir I'm good and you? Ya i......." he was cutting me off as i tried to answer his questions as quick as he asked them.

"You must be busy with your work and here i am, disturbing you. I'm sorry i should probably forget about that date and allow you to do your work. Im sorry once again, if i interupted you."

"My goodness Mihir, shut up and give me time to answer your questions and stop apologizing. I wasn't busy and yes, I'll go on a date with you. Lemme know when and where."

"Yes!Yes!Yes! Thank you Love! Finally i can spend some quality time with you after two long weeks of not seeing you! I'll come to pick you up at 8 today, wear something comfortable and let your parents know you'll be slightly late. Can't wait to see you tonight babe!! Bye"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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