Chapter 17

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Shiv's POV

It had been 3 weeks since Mihir and i had gotten back from Paris. Paris was an extremely beautiful city. It was fun there even though we had to work most of the time, Mihir took me to so many places.

We went to the top of the Eiffel tower, and to Disneyland as well. It was my dream to go to Disneyland which Mihir fulfilled and i cant thank him enough. I met all the disney characters and snapped so many pics that made my phone memory to be full.

After staying there for one 2 weeks, we came back to London and went back to our busy lives. Mihir was always working while i attended uni and faced Chris who became a little distant to me.

It is really heartbreaking to see the guy you like ignore you. Most of the time Chris acted like i wasn't even there and my presence never affected him. My other friends found out about my engagement and the girls were gushing over my engagement ring.

I could tell they were suprised when i told them about my engagement probably because they thought that Chris and i were meant to be together. They also noticed the tension between me and Chris but didn't intrude further for which i was grateful.

Exams were round the corner and i was busy studying thoroughly. I had absolutely no time to have chit chats and coffee talks with Mihir and insisted that he stay away from me, until my exams are over. I know mean but thats how i am when I'm going through exam stress.

Till today i wonder why my grandpa decided for me to marry his friends grandson, but i dont question it any further because i feel whatever decision he made is for the best.


Today was the final day of exams, i had the nervous feels in my stomach. I would be getting 6 months holiday cause i have extra credits i don't need to attend the extra 2 month classes. It's not like im complaining because seriously who doesn't like vacations, besides my best friend from India, Pooja was coming to meet me and would stay with me for 6 months.

By 1 in the afternoon i completed the last exam and was heading home when Rosie and the others came up to me.
"Hey Shiv! Long tine no see? How were your exams? Well now that they are over we decided to go to some place special. Wanna tag along?"

I couldn't exactly answer due to her firing question after question at me.
So i let her finish first "Hey Rosie and the others. My exams were good and where's this special place you guys are inviting to?"

"It's a surprise and besides we know you'll love it. I'll give you one clue, it has something to do with your culture."

"Well then what are we waiting for? Christmas? Let's get going!" I wasn't as excited to find out the surprise but just wanted to spend time with my friends before my marriage.

We rode in three cars. Rose, Travis and Luke rode with me. Leah, Sarah and Tina rode together, while Tom rode with Dave.

We were singing our voices out loud in the car, especially Rose and Luke. Travis on the other hand was busy driving my car and i sat on the passenger seat calling my mum to inform her I'll reach home late.

Travis parked the car in the lot and we headed out. We were standing outside a huge five-star hotel.

I could see paparazzi outside the front doors snapping pictures of celebrities i guess, or else why would they even be here? We walked towards their direction and Rosie, Leah and Tina were literally bouncing in their steps. Sarah and the guys looked normal while i had a clueless face on.

I saw a limo come to a stop infront of the door and as soon as a man came out of it, he got swallowed up by the crowd and was led in behind the doors. I couldn't see whoever that was because his back was facing me and i was busy holding Leah from running in and screaming in the man's face.

We went in and were heading towards the second row, the front row was occupied by celebrities like, Jennifer Lopez, Ashton Kutcher, Angelina Jolie, Bradd pitt, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Alba and Chris Hemsworth, my favourite actor. I and the girls really wanted to go upto them to snap pictures and fangirl, but the security directed us directly towards our seats.

We saved it for the end and sat down as we saw the show was about to start. It was actually a fashion show that the guys brought me too. I wanted to know who was the designer but they refused to tell me and said to wait and watch. Well let's see what awaits me.


Hey guys!!

I am extremely sorry for the late update but i had exams and now i finally have my mid-term break.

I also injured my knee so i have free time to update since i have a bed rest for the whole weekend.

Well tell me if you guys like the chapter.
Btw Pooja is played by my wattpad friend Candaayy. She has supported me since i started writing this book. Thanks alot girl.

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Till then, ciao.

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