Chapter 16

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Chris POV

'How could Shiv do this to me? I thought we had told each other our feelings, but it looks like 'The rich boy' took the lead.'
My feelings were hurt and I was so upset. Shiv had promised to come to uni today and explain about her so called 'engagement' but apparently she let me down and decided not to grace me with her presence.

It was only 2 months and 2 weeks left before she would become Mrs. Sanghani. I have to let her go if i want her happy. I know i can't give her all the happiness that she deserves.

People always say ' If you love someone alot and that person doesn't love you back, then you should let them go'

I will forget Shiv and let her go i can't let her be unhappy if she marries me. My illness is the cause and for that reason i cant let her be with me.


Mihir's POV

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Let's start of today's meeting. Today we have Ms. Shivangi joining us and she will see how this company operates. Laura will hand out the papers in a short while." I had a very important meeting with my staff today. We had to finalise who would go to the fashion shows that were hosted in Milan, Paris and New York.

We went through the designs and picked the ones that would be displayed. It was soon decided that Shiv and I would be heading down to Paris while my co-workers, Nathan would go to New York and Stella would go to Milan.

It was a matter of 2 days and i would get to spend time with Shiv in a beautiful city like Paris.


*Two days later*

It was time to go to Paris and Shiv and I were waiting to board our plane. It was 3 in the morning and Shiv looked pretty bummed as she was asleep on my shoulder. She looked so adorable.

As the speaker boomed out the message asking the passengers going to Paris to board the plane, i nudged Shiv's shoulder lightly to get her to wake up. She stirred a little and we headed towards the flight attendants.

We entered the plane first as we were travelling business class. I could have easily taken my private plane but Shiv insisted on taking the public plane so as to not attract a lot of attention.

Finally i would get to spend enough time with Shiv in Paris, the city of love. I had promised my mum that i would get to know her well so that she would be comfortable with me after our marriage.

I really wish she gets mixed in well with her new work and her employees so that i know she would be comfortable with everything.

I have to make sure she forgets Chris so that we can start a new chapter in our lives together. She needs to understand that we are meant to be.


Hey fellow readers, sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. My school is starting soon so i would be back to updatting every other weekend.

There's still an offer for anyone who wants to be a part of my story. If so plz text me what you want to look like and your personality.

Btw what illness do you think Chris is suffering from?? Hehe you'll have to wait to find out.


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