Chapter 5

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Chris POV

It was already 8 and we all were waiting for Shiv to grace us with her presence. We were at the parking lot joking around with one another when Shiv's car came full speed and parked right next to where we were standing.

Rosie lunged forward and pulled her for a hug. She was basically trying to squeeze her lungs. I was so busy looking at how beautiful she looked in that red punjabi, that's what it's called i think.

Her dark hair was curled and she had a natural look, which most girls these days tried to cover up. The red dress reached upto her ankle and her dupata was sweeping the ground behind her.

The girls gushed over how beautiful she looked, to which i definitely agreed. All the guys were busy complimenting her except me ofcourse.

Being the obvious dumbstruck guy i was, i was staring at how gracefully the dress fitted her, showing off her curves.

We headed inside for physics class. I think she could feel my stare on her because of how uncomfortable she felt.

She was squirming on her seat, while all the boys' eyes were on here. Her charm had all the boys swooning over her.

I felt like she wanted to ask me something but the lecturer interrupted. I swear i could murder the lecturer, he always had to spoil the moment.

My concentration kept on switching sides from Shiv to the lecturer and back. If you were a guy you would understand how much it affects us, when our crushes are right next to us but you can't properly converse with them, due to nervousness.

I had so much fun with her last night, she brought out a different side of me that was lost, when i broke up with my last girlfriend.

After physics was over i headed out only to be stopped by Shiv " Uhmm...Chris can to you?" I could tell she was bothered by something and i wanted to know what it was.

As the guys and girls left for their classes ahead of us, they gave me knowing looks. I was confused at first but then it clicked in my head, they knew that i liked Shiv alot.

I knew they would approve of our relationship because they wanted me to be happy, after my last breakup. I also suspect my mum knows about my crush because of how weird i had acted when i came back from the carnival last night.

She had wanted to ask the reason for my happiness that had suddenly returned after 6 months. I had not been this happy since my breakup, and personally i think Shiv was the one i needed to be happy in life once again.

We slowly walked out to the field to talk. She took a sit on the grass and i followed suit.

I asked her what wrong but she was hesistant in telling me. She was playing with her dupata and i kept my hand on top of hers, only to hear her let out a gasp.

"Why's your hand cold? Are you a vampire? That would be so cool if you were one but i love werewolves more. You see I'd rather watch teen wolf than The vampire diaries. But if you're a vampire it's coo....." i kept my hand on her mouth to stop her from rambling.

" Shiv! Babe, you're rambling now, and to answer your question no I'm not a vampire nor a werewolf, and yes i would rather watch teen wolf than TVD. Now tell me whats the real matter?"

" Uhh its nothing important i just wanted to know why you were staring at me today. Do i look that bad in this punjabi? Is the colour not cool?"

I couldn't help but smile knowing that i liking or disliking her dress affected her. It felt that she cared about my thoughts. Is it that she likes me? I have to ask her.

"Shiv the question you asked clearly shows that you care about what i think about you. Do you like me? Not in a friend way but something more maybe?"

Her face went white and her body posture tensed, after i asked her the question. But all i could do was to await her answer, i had to know if my feelings were returned, or not.



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By the way Chris is played by Nick Bateman and Shiv is played by Alia Bhatt.

P.S if you have any suggestions for my story plz pm me. Thanks

Two Different WorldsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon