Cosmic Vibe

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Remember you are capable of the most powerful thing in the universe. You are capable of love.

The greatest souls are awakened out of suffering. The most impressive personalities endures many scars. 

Sometimes God breaks your heart to save your soul.

And when you heal, you will understand why you broke.

We had the right love at the wrong time.

How blessed it truly is, to stumble upon a soul that wants nothing but smiles and sunshine for you, for the rest of your life.

I am a raging sea trapped inside of a raindrop.

You were placed on this earth to bless people with your talents and gifts. You are here to make a difference.

Your self love is a medicine for the earth.

Poetry, for me, is the art of feeling all of you without touching you at all.

Touch the earth gently for all is connected.

Remember your words can plant gardens or burn whole forests down.

Some memories never leave your bones. Like salt in the sea; they become part of you. And you carry them.

Someday I like to switch off from the world and tune into myself because I am my own happy place.

Whatever it is that puts lightning in your veins, do that. That is what you must do.

You are on a journey of transformation. You are exploring the wisdom of your soul. You are shedding old beliefs and stories that no longer fit who you are becoming. Be brave. You are stepping onto your authentic path.

There are healers and then there are people who cause us the need to be healed. Both are gifts.

When I die, plant flowers over my grave, so when the seeds bloom, you can pick me and hold me again.

You are not your roots. You are a flower grown from them.

There is an incredible beauty in your touch, it can heal the gravest wounds. And in your smile, that can easily mend any broken heart.

You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope... I have loved none but you. 

You are here on earth to unearth who on earth you are

I look at you and I am sure that some divine artist dipped her brush in the same soul and used it to paint us both. 

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

May you reach a level within where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect you.

I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees. 

I hope you find someone who speaks your language so you don't have to spend a lifetime translating your soul

Even if you are a small forest surviving off of moon alone, your light is extraordinary. 

You deserve an euphoric, spiritual type of love.

You are a light that cannot darken. You are a soul that shines through. You are the eternal amid the moment. You are awakening. You are love. 

The desire to know your own soul, will end all other desires.

You cannot unwish me. For I am assembled out of unforgettable. 

Your exact energy signature is so special and such a unique expression of the divine, that all of the universe would not be what it is if it were not for you.

Loving you was the most exquisite form of self destruction. 

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