Chapter 30

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I spent half of Saturday sleeping until someone's call woke me up. I stirred but I didn't stand up, my phone rang again but I didn't bother the third time it rang I picked it up ready to chuck it across the room but when I saw the caller ID I groaned and grudgingly picked it up.

"What?!" I snapped "don't you know what time it is?"

"I know it's past ten over there"


"Stop pretending like you don't miss the sound of my voice Lana"

"I don't have to pretend" I murmured sleepily "what do you want Harvey?"

"I got bored so I decided to call my favorite person on the planet"

"That's sweet Harvey but can't you disturb someone else"

"Rory and Ni went out, Mom's at work and Dad's in Oxford for the weekend"

"That's why you have friends!"

"They're all pricks"

"How's that my headache?" I asked as I hung up and placed my phone back on the nightstand. Harvey called back a few minutes later but I didn't answer it, I turned my phone off and went back to sleep but it didn't last five minutes because someone barged in unannounced into my room.

"You're still in bed?!" Emilia exclaimed loudly

I groaned and turned over but still closed my eyes.

Emilia pulled my blanket away from me, taking my warmth.

"Emilia" I whined

"Get up! Now!" She ordered


"The shoot starts in an hour"

"What shoot?" I asked sitting up, Emilia gave her you-can't-be-serious look

"The shoot I've been telling you about for weeks, the one for that new teen fashion magazine"

I shot out of bed immediately "it's today! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked

An old friend of my Aunt who once worked with Vogue was starting up her own fashion magazine and Aunt Olly had suggested that I model for the first edition. When Aunt Olly told  Emilia of the offer she took it up immediately because she had barely been getting any action as of late.

I dashed into my bathroom and took a quick shower and slipped into a leggings and a shirt. I slipped on a jacket and a white sneaker. I barely had time to dry my hair so wet strands were sticking on my face as I bolted out of my room to join Emilia in the garage.

Normally when I had a photoshoot Emilia made sure I got to the place a day before but I had spent the previous day at Disneyland.

Emilia had scones and a cup of coffee waiting for me in the car.

On the flight to New York Emilia and I looked at the outfits I would be modelling and I admit they were gorgeous.

New York was a busy place and the endless traffic was clawing at Emilia's sanity. The streets all looked alike to me, if I were on my own I would have probably gotten lost.

We checked in at our hotel first before heading off to the site the shoot was taking place.

When we got there, Emilia took an extra ten minutes to touch up her face so she could look 'presentable'

"Emilia!" A bald man in a designer Armani said with a smile as Emilia and I walked up to where a bunch of people were

"Hello Sal" Emilia said embracing the man "sorry we're late, somebody forgot today was the shoot" she said giving me the stink eye

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