Chapter 36

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Emilia is going to murder me. I thought scrolling through the plethora of messages I had received in the last two hours.

I grabbed my sweatshirt, but didn't bother putting it on because a dead person couldn't be worried about it mundane things like clothes, and left the locker room in quite a hurry.

"Shortcake! Just the person I was looking for"

"No time to talk, have you seen Mason?"

"He's been slacking so coach's making him stay back an extra hour"

"Crap" I muttered

"What's wrong?"

I showed him my phone as the messages just kept flooding in.

"Oh, need a ride?"


I sent a text to Mason, apologizing for leaving without telling him.

As Aiden drove I couldn't help but bounce my legs out of fear of Emilia's wrath.

"Calm down shortcake, what's the worse Em could do?"

"What's the worse Em could do?! She's going to kill me!"

"What could you have possibly done?"

"That's the problem, I don't know. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important but I can't put my finger on it."

I was startled as my phone started ringing out of nowhere, I fumbled with it and ended up dropping it.

Aiden mumbled something as I picked up the phone, I stared at the screen in horror when I saw the caller ID.

"It's her" I whispered

"Well answer it"

"Are you insane? I'm going to - Aiden!"

The idiot had decided to snatch my phone and pick up the call.

"Where are you?" Emilia asked a little bit too calm

"I'm on my way home"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Half past five" I answered with a quiver in my voice

"And you were supposed to be back when?"

I swallowed, hard.


"You don't remember do you?"


Emilia didn't even give me time to answer before she hung up.

"You are done for" Aiden cracking up "I would hate to be you right now"

"This is not funny" I said trying hard to remember what I had forgotten but for some reason I couldn't recall a single thing.

"For me it is"

I sunk into the seat and hid behind my hair.

"Kent is re-thinking his break up"

"How do you know that?" I asked perking up

"He told some guys in the locker room, Noah heard then he told me"

"That jackass! He better not be thinking of getting back together with Mona"

Aiden let out a rough breath

"How can you possibly know and do nothing about it?"

"Do you live in a cave or what?! Ramona's been avoiding me ever since the fight last week. How am I supposed to do anything when she doesn't even spare me a glance?"

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