Chapter 31

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Kids were scattered all over the place when Mason and I got to Jake's school

"I have never seen this many children in my life" I said to Mason as we weaved through the maze of little children


I shook my head "I didn't go to Pre School or Kindergarten remember?"

"Well that explains a lot of things"

"Like what?"

"Your little knowledge of nursery rhymes!"

I rolled my eyes, "so what? I know only about five nursery rhymes I bet there are a ton of people who don't even know one"

Mason chuckled pulling the door to the main building open

"Why's Jake inside?"

"He takes after school lessons""


"He can't - "

"He can't what?"

Mason stopped and faced me "he has learning difficulties" he said quietly. I bit my lip not knowing what to say "just don't ever bring it up with him, he might just be a kid but he's really insecure about it"

He pulled me in the direction of a classroom and stood by the door, I looked at Mason in confusion.

"Just watch" he whispered

Jake was with a teacher and they were busy with a book.

"Jacob that's not a D"

Jake's lips quivered and I could see his eyes watering

"It's okay, you're just gonna have to try again, okay?" his teacher said


"Now let's write a proper D"

The woman picked a pencil from the desk and handed it to Jake

"Start with a single stroke like you're writing the number one" she said watching Jake as he did as he was told "perfect! Now write a letter c from the middle of that stroke down to the end of the stroke"

Jake furrowed his eyes in confusion

"Jacob relax, it's okay if you don't get it" his teacher said but Jake looked determined to get it right and he did. I knew it from the look on his teacher's face "that's brilliant Jacob" she said praising him "now let's spell the whole word"


"Now pronounce them together"

"M-m-mend?" he looked up at his teacher who was sporting a grin "mend!" this time he said it with much confidence

"That's amazing Jacob, I am so proud of you! Do you know what mend means?"

Jake shook his head

"It means to fix something that's broken"

"So I can ask my brothers to mend my broken toys"


I looked up at Mason who just smiled down at me. He knocked once and pushed the door open and a very excited Jake jumped into his arms

"Hey kiddo" Mason said with a smile as he ruffled his brother's hair

"Guess what?" Jake asked

"What?" Mason asked setting him down

"I can spell mend!"



"That's very good, I brought someone who'd love to hear you spell"

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