Chapter 18

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I was just getting to the best part of my sleep when someone opened my curtains and yanked my blankets off me, I groaned while mumbling "go away"

"Morning sleeping beauty" Mona said with a smile on her face

"Go away" I mumbled pulling my blanket back over my head

"We have to go to school" Mona said

"I don't want to" I mumbled "what if Mason's there?"

"Of course he's going to be there, he goes to our school remember?"

"But I don't want to see him" I whined

"Then you'll just have to avoid him"

"Way to be supportive" I muttered

"You love me anyways" Mona said

"Nah, that's Kent's job" I said earning me a whack from Mona "do you have to be so violent?"

"I'm not violent, you and Fay just bring out the worst in me"

"I'm taking that as a compliment" Mona rolled her eyes

"Get your ass off that bed and into your shower" Mona ordered

"I am not going to school" I said defiantly

"You literally sound like a child right now"

"That's because I AM a child" I said "and it's final I am not going to school"

"Brody's making pancakes" that got me to sit up


"Yeah, Fay's busy pigging it down, that girl can eat for the life of her" I reached for my contact case and slipped on my contacts, Mona shuddered


"Doesn't it hurt?"

"Nope" I swung my legs of my bed and trudged to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower taking extra time on my hair while Mona went through my closet.

After my shower I slipped into the stripped long sleeved sweater Mona had picked and jeans with a white Nike, I packed my hair in a messy bun. I took off my contacts and replaced them with my glasses. I picked my bag from my ottoman and dashed out to get my pancakes

Fay was sitting next to Allen and they were laughing about something while Mona was on her phone, I sat at the second island with Mona and Brody passed me a plate of pancakes. I covered the whole thing with maple syrup.

"Would you like pancakes to go with that syrup?" Allen asked

"Shut up" I muttered stabbing a fork in my pancakes

"Did my cooking offend you?" Brody asked

"Shut up,can't you see I am trying to concentrate here" I stuffed the fork in my mouth and Mona stared at me wide eyed "you've never seen a girl eating before?"

Mona shook her head "and I thought Allen was a pig"

"Excuse me?"

"We all know she's right" Emilia said

"Well I don't" Allen huffed

"Now you know" Deck entered the kitchen shirtless and his hair was sticking up in different places.

"Morning" he mumbled heading straight for the fridge, he took a bottle of orange juice and a plate of pancakes then went back up.

"What's up with him?" I asked

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