Chapter 11

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Brody came to pick me up from school, he was a bit shocked when I called because school wasn't over but I really needed some alone time.

Brody looked really bad and I could tell he had been drinking, it was his own way of getting over stress and it worked for him.

"I'm hungry" I said

"Didn't you just have lunch"

"Cafeteria food is a lame excuse for poisoning people" Brody chuckled "what? it's true"

Brody stopped at Subway and I ordered a veggie sandwich but the lady taking my order was too interested in Brody to listen.

"The girl would like a veggie sandwich" Brody said, the waitress gave me a spiteful look before she left

"Don't tell me she's jealous"

"I won't"

"Why would she, we're related" I said "why would anyone even be jealous over you?"

"Look at me, I'm gorgeous" Brody said with a smirk

"Keep telling yourself that maybe it'll come true"

"You're just jealous because you're not as hot as me" I scoffed, the waitress came back with my sandwich which she gruffly dumped in front of me while she dropped Brody's salad with a flirty smile, I gagged mentally, the lady turned to back to me with an icy smile

"Call me" she said leaving a napkin with her phone number on it

"No I won't" Brody said, the lady gaped at him and strutted away, I stared at Brody wide eyed before letting out a bark of laughter.


"You're home early" Emilia said as I got into the kitchen

"Hey sweetheart" Dad said, I noticed he was still wearing his clothes from this morning

"Hey dad" I said hugging him, he placed a kiss on my head

"Why are you home early?"

"She's skipping school" Brody said

"Why" Emilia asked

"I-uh- I was thinking of her and" my voice started to break off and I muffled my silent tears into my Dad's chest

"Sweetie it's ok" he said hugging me tighter "just breathe, in through your nose,  out through your mouth" I did as he instructed but I didn't stop crying,  my dad led me up to my room

"It's my fault she's gone" I said crying uncontrollably on my dad "if I hadn't yelled at her, she wouldn't have left the house, she wouldn't have been hit by that drunk driver, she wouldn't have died"

"Kyra, listen to me, your mother's death isn't your fault-"

"Yes it is, I shouldn't have yelled at her" I said, dad didn't say anything he just let me cry on him till I fell asleep

I watched as eleven year old me and my mom exchanged words, she was telling me to calm down but I was so angry because I and Allen had had a disagreement earlier and she took his side before even listening to my side of the story. Eleven year old me had always thought that Allen was the preferred sibling and my mom taking sides had just confirmed my suspicion

"Don't you dare talk to me like that" my mom said

"Why not? it's true you've always liked Allen more"

"Lana you know I love both you and your brother" I just scoffed

"Then why did you side with Allen"

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