Chapter 22:Healing & Having Fun

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I'm sorry for the late update. School and work have been kicking my ass lately lol, but writing is a great way to relax, so I'm grateful for this. I have been thinking a lot about how I want to write the end of this story and begin the Gaang During College, so stay tuned for that. Aang is going to be revealed as the avatar at the end of this story. This chapter ends with a bit of a cliffhanger, and I'll try my best to not take so long to upload, but school and work come first :(

Tuesday, September 1st

Katara wrapped her arm around Aang and reached for his hand so she could hold it. She brought Aang closer so that her chest was pressed up against his back. She gave him an affectionate squeeze and waited patiently for Aang to speak.

"I don't even know what to say," Aang thought out loud as he accepted Katara's invitation to hold his hand.

"What are you feeling right now?" Katara asked gently. Aang didn't reply immediately, he waited a moment to gather his thoughts.

"I feel weak...embarrassed. I feel... emasculated." Aang answered after he sighed.

"Why?" She asked gently.

"Because I can't even watch a movie without hyperventilating. Do you know how much I've trained to master proper breath control? Aside from the spiritual side of airbending, proper breath control is one of the most important aspects of air bending, and I basically forgot all that training because of a damn movie," Aang said with frustration. Katara frowned and gave him an affectionate squeeze.

"It's okay, Aang, what you went through as a kid was extremely traumatizing. No amount of training could have prevented that," She comforted.

"Yeah, but I couldn't even regain my breath..." He trailed off while looking at his tattoos on his arm. A single tear fell down his face.

"These tattoos don't mean a thing if I can't even breathe correctly," He said while letting go of Katara's hand.

"Aang, that's not true," She said with a frown on her face.

"Yes, it is! I can't be a master if I don't know how to properly breathe," Aang vented.

"Don't blame yourself because of something you can't control, Aang. You're still a master, and masters are human, they aren't perfect." Katara said sternly. Aang didn't say anything.

"Please don't degrade yourself. You should be proud of your tattoos, and you definitely earned them," Katara added.

"I guess... but I still can't believe I fell apart like that in front of everybody," Aang thought out loud.

"Toph was right, I am as soft as a pillow. I can't even watch a movie or play Call of Duty without feeling bad," Aang confessed.

"Stop beating yourself up for being you, Aang. There's nothing wrong with being firm with your beliefs. It's not your fault that your father did those horrible things to you. We all understand that so we're not going to judge you." Katara said truthfully. Aang thought long and hard about his girlfriend's words. He let out a sigh before talking.

"I know what you're saying is right... but why do I feel like I'm still weak? Like I'm too emotional and too gentle," He confessed. Katara didn't know what to say at first. After a moment to gather her thoughts, she spoke.

"It's because your mind is your enemy right now. Please understand that you're not weak for being emotional... that's what sucks about society, it's seen as weak to be emotional and I bet that's why you feel that way. But it is not true," Katara said while reaching for his hand so she could hold it again.

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